@Boston Bruins

Rassie Erasmus responds to Matt WIlliams criticism

Rassie Erasmus responds to Matt WIlliams criticism

um what’s your response to sort of certain pandits could you when you bring on the bomb SC at the same time could you you know you know we do hear things and we do see things and I’m on social media I I read things and I you know and there’s some things that you really take to heart and some things that you try and understand I try to stay in touch with South Africa and and what our people feel and how our people react and and and try to be honest to to the media on without giving too much away and to be honest with you you know uh um I’ve learned that if you know the laws and you know the protocols and you don’t go outside the protocols but I’ve been slapped over my wrist for for not doing that uh uh and then learning and adapting um you know I I really don’t uh see how that would would for our reality is listen man we could have send it on one by one uh but all six go at the same time you know I I don’t know if that’s dangerous I mean uh Ireland definitely also play with 62 so I don’t think the Irish team feel that way I don’t think Annie Farrell feel that way you know I think that’s one individual who said that but I’m not even sure the Irish players would agree with that you know they too proud and and they handled us well and they still after that scor to Great th uh to make it a really tense game at the end you so um uh and one injury was in the first half on senon before the B Squad goes on so uh yeah um some things make sense when you you see it and others don’t Russy do you know Matt Williams personally mat Williams that is no I know he I know he’s coached where Coach and he’s coaching record and things and like that but I don’t know him as a person um so no no no I don’t know

Rassie Erasmus was asked to respond to to criticism in the media from pundits such as Matt Williams about the 6-2 split being dangerous.

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  1. Ireland used a 6:2 bench to win France in the Six Nations Why did he not complain about them? Stop harassing the Boks Austrailian

  2. Polite way to say, โ€œwho da fuq is that Matt Williams? I donโ€™t know that dude heโ€™s unimportant.โ€

  3. Can Matt Williams have a point of view? Jesus, he's a pundit and has his own views. I don't agree with a lot of them, but he's a good laugh to have on.. It's like nobody now can say anything anymore without being ridiculed on line behind a screen.. fair play Matt, keep it up ๐Ÿ˜Š some nasty trolls out there.

  4. Really enjoy Rassie not making changes,most test caps in one team ever,really something to be proud off.Hes player's will run through walls for a reason.

  5. Williams is one big bluffer who gets way too much media time in Ireland .He now uses the word we when talking about the Irish team,this from a guy who is Australian. His whole time is devoted to running down South African rugby.

  6. Both spew utter shite at a world class level. It's sad though — Rassie on;y started to do it when he left Munster moved home and had to make his thick countrymen happy since they don't understand that their team can't win without the direct help from the refs.

    Rasie was smart enough to know he couldn't pull that shite in Ireland where the supporters know & care about the sport.

  7. Has Matt Williams ever played or coached a team that has had any real success? What is your qualifications in the sport that makes you think you can criticise a person who came third in a WC as a player and won it twice as a coach?

  8. Matt Williams and John Kirwan are cut from the same cloth. Quite incredible they coached 3 test teams between them when they were coaching on little more than "vibes". If they were at all capable at all they would still be holding down coaching gigs rather than being talking heads offering up little more than tired platitudes

  9. Thatโ€™s not what Matt Williams said. He wasnโ€™t speaking about South Africa. Stop trying to cause trouble by being disingenuousโ€ฆ

    These Northerners are WHINGERS and ALWAYS has excuses when nothing goes their way.
    We Southern Hemisphere Powerhouses got to stick together againts these Northern Moaners ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Why change a Winning formula?
    UP DA BOKKES, THE MIGHTY A.Bz and WALLABYs โค๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡ฒโค

  11. Matt Williams is not a great pundit. He seems to say things more for media snippets and clicks than to provide any kind of real insight.

  12. Matt Williams was a shocking coach with Scotland and it seems he's continued his career for the past few years in a similarly incompetent and shocking pundit.
    It's the poor Irish fans who need to tolerate him on TV and luckily not us.

  13. Matt William does not represent the thoughts of Ithe Irish rugby public in any way. He's an Australian pundit who makes a living in Ireland from been controversial

  14. The SA tactic that dumbs down rugby to a simple muscle test but do not criticise it or be prepared to be insulted if you do.

  15. If everyone played the same style of rugby, it would be boring. You have to look at the type of players you have in your system and form a game plan according to your strengths if you want to win and be successful.

    Guys who want to change the rules to benefit or help themselves are the ones who will ruin the game. Rassie studies the laws and rules of the game and stays within them. You can change the rules, take away the scrum or the 6-2 split. Rassie is a person who thinks outside the box. He will probably dominate the next thing, and then youโ€™ll cry and stop lineouts, or say wingers with scrum caps cannot sidestep.

    You know, Mr. Matt Williams, the worst thing you can do as a coach or "expert" is to make excuses about why you canโ€™t compete against someone. You are supposed to try and beat the other team with your own game plan and abilities. It will never be an even playing field because some teams have more players with gifted talents, but that doesnโ€™t mean you canโ€™t beat them in other parts of the game.

    And one last thing: Rassie has earned the respect of his players, up-and-coming players, and the countryโ€™s supporters. Again, he's ticking off all the boxes that he needs toโ€”pleasing you is not one of them

  16. Matt Williams been crying about SA for a long time! He is a baby, always will be! Hey Matt. We have 4 World Cups baby! And Rassie has 2 of those. How many do you have?

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