@Boston Bruins

Marchand Hits Milestone With OT Goal vs Ottawa | The Skate Pod, Ep. 269

Marchand Hits Milestone With OT Goal vs Ottawa | The Skate Pod, Ep. 269

welcome into episode 269 of the skate podcast I’m Brian D Feliz joined by Bridget PR and Scott mcclaflin actually I shouldn’t have just glossed over that Bridget’s been gone the last couple episodes broadcasting all around College hockey and Beyond uh Bridget welcome back how was your week busy very busy and um my voice still hasn’t really recovered but it was fun and I have another B broadcast Saturday so yeah and for those who don’t who weren’t listening prior or weren’t informed Bridget was part of the um you know in an aural all all female broadcast uh in production team during the the bean poot final women’s beot final at the TD Garden which is a really I mean I’m not going to speak too much on it because Bridget you were a part of it but just a really cool um moment for all of you involved yeah we got some good feedback afterwards too which is nice like sometimes we go like at least for myself like I go through it and I’m I’m just like in the zone and I have no idea what it looks like or sounds like to other people I’m just trying to like do the playby playay the right way and then I’ll go back after and watch it and see like oh okay yeah that came out good and it actually we had the Bruins producer and and like we had all the Bruins cameramen and and we had just a full a huge production and it did come out looking pretty nice so I was happy about that and some of the stuff I’ve heard people say about it since then and it was a great event over 10,000 tickets sold for the first women’s bean pop final at the Garden which was the high it was the highest attendance for a women’s college hockey game in New England and I think the the highest other than like anywhere in college hockey other than at Wisconsin which always draws the biggest crowds um yeah WIS unfortunately in my Terriers fell in overtime but uh still still a cool event nonetheless uh Bridget before before we get to our opening shifts I mean how was it um what was it like calling play-by-play from from that high up at the guard I I think that’s the furthest elevated you’ve been during while calling a game where with there certain challenges that you weren’t expecting being that high up or just how was the overall experience it’s not every day anybody gets to um play byplay for a game at an NHL arena I actually had a harder time at Harvard I had a much harder time at Harvard cuz that was where the semi-final was and I had to do it from behind the net and that was really weird and I had to figure out how to use my monitors and like my other camera angles to kind of like see into the corners that I couldn’t see into on the opposite side and I have good Vision but we had like we were blocked by like The netting and like it was like perfectly at eye level it was awful I had such a hard time seeing there and then when I got to TD Garden luckily I’m there so often with Scot that I already knew that my eyes were probably going to be okay with it because I can see you know all the Bruins players find so it actually was pretty easy I had I had an easy time with it just because um it it was a clean nice line of sight I could see both sides of the ice fine and once I started once I was like about like four or five minutes into it I was like okay no this is going to be fine I’m not GNA have an issue but yeah it’s it’s not like lol like LOL I’m nice and like up on top of like very close and then but it was cool doing a broadcast on an NHL rank for the first time and uh you know would love to go to an NHL game there at some point but it’s a good uh nice step here and definitely like checks off a bucket list thing like do a broadcast at TV Garden so yeah hopefully we hear you calling a Bruins game soon that that that would be that would be the ultimate the ultimate uh Showdown get me in there Sophia Sophia said she should try to pull some strings nice and she by the way she’s like the nicest person ever she’s like like borderline too nice like I I don’t even know how she pulls it off those those Canadians I know that’s it that’s exactly what it I asse were you in the same boot that Jack and brick always I assume yeah so you see like Jack’s bags of uh coins that won’t get tossed and all that stuff and cans of corn that were stacked up oh my gosh that’s so funny um yeah uh so so let’s get right into the opening shift the Bruins had an exciting overtime win over the Senators last night in Ottawa Brad Martian stays stays hot so does Trent Frederick um yeah let’s jump right into the opening shifts yeah so my opening shift is about Brad marshand uh and that overtime winner um which came on nice two-on-one just held beat uh Unis cor pasalo with a snapshot and it was his 396th career goal which moved him one ahead of Ray bour for fifth on the Bruins alltime goals list he’s only six behind Rick Middleton so that’s he’ll be up in fourth soon um and if you look at it like he could catch berson next year possibly maybe Esposito the year after um you know he’s gonna he’s almost certainly gonna end up top two or three because eventually ponak will join him as well um but also this was Martian 24th goal of the Season he had 21 all of last year he’s on Pace for 40 goal actually 41 to be exact um his career high is 39 he’s never had a 40 goal season and he’s doing this at age 35 and in his first season without berser on his as his regular center it’s it’s really impressive and I didn’t you know going back like I didn’t even think Martian got off to the best start this year he it took a while for him to develop chemistry with really any of the other centers which you know is natural you played 12 years with berson it’s not not going to be the easiest transition to someone else um but he has chemistry with coil right now for sure whether it’s poock on their right which is what it’s been the most recently or Frederick getting bumped up or de Brusque at one point uh those two in particular are clicking Maran had both goals in the come back uh against Carolina on Wednesday in the third period of game the Bruins eventually lost but they came back from two nothing down to tie it in the third so he’s he’s been on fire up to five goals in the last four games and it’s just I I remember we had talked before the season and one of my big questions for this Bruns team was like is martian just going to continue to be good or is he going to get back to being a lead now a full full year removed from that double hip surgery well he’s he’s looking pretty damn Elite right now like it’s um it’s it’s a great season that he’s putting together so that’s that’s my opening shift and mine is yours you want next yeah yours is a positive one mine not so much just because um we got late news that weather spoon was going to be in for shat and Kirk um in the game against Ottawa and shaton Kirk has been scratched a few times recently so um you know he he’s be now that forber is back shaton Kirk has been kind of right on the the borderline of the top six defenseman and it looks like w spoon is getting the nod instead of him um we’ll get to this like more in depth later but he seems to maybe be now considered the seventh defenseman but he’s ready on that borderline of the sixth or seventh defenseman now so for him he’s got to find a way to to make his way back into the lineup but we can we can get into our thoughts on the defense later but just wanted to point that out that chatton Kirk has been scratched quite a few times um and it coincides with um people getting healthy on defense so and that’s without lorai up like lorai has already been sent down to Providence over a week ago so um yeah things things not looking good for shaton K currently though uh I still think he’s a good defenseman he just finds himself pushed down the depth chart well I I also I wonder if he might be dealing with something because Montgomery had said pregame that they had a couple guys dealing with something they had to see how they felt in warm-ups and loo ended up as a scratch up front and um I mean he’s been playing great recently so I’m assuming he was one of the guys dealing with something doesn’t seem to be too serious but I I wonder if it was shadon Kirk on defense um because I like I was a little surprised that forbert played both nights of a back toback uh just coming back from his groin injury and he only played I think 11 minutes and they barely even used them on the penalty kill which is obviously usually a strength or I guess they ended up at 13 but um they barely use forbo on the penalty kill which is obviously usually a strin so there was clearly like some minutes of management going on there and I wonder if the original plan might have been forbert being scratched but I don’t I don’t think Montgomery was asked about that after the game at least from anything I saw so I guess we we don’t really know but yeah there was definitely some sort of rotation going on there yeah and I wouldn’t be surprised if if he was just a little bit banged up just based on him having to play a lot during the time that forbert was out and Carlo was out for a chunk there so um yeah for me my opening shift is it’s regarding Trent Frederick and I also think it kind of uh can spawn into a more subjective discussion about um the Bruin seventh Player Award winner uh at the end of the season which which goes to basically the player that goes above and beyond expectations um now this Brun team I think has a lot of lot of potential candidates there’s a lot of good stories on this team this year uh if you want talk about and again if these players I’m about to mention have a continue to have a good second half right or even better than their first half but like nobody most people didn’t really know who Matt ptra was let alone think he was gonna make the team as a 17 as a 19-year-old and contribute um Danon Heinen signs a PTO um and then signs a contract after the regular season begins he’s a middle six contributor for this team um James Van rdik is uh tied I want want to say uh he’s tied for he is fifth on the team in scoring um he was a bargain free agency signing with um you know some some some mileage under him and he’s had a good season um Charlie Coyle people will sit there and say potentially well how can how can your top Center be a a seventh player award candidate well when he was a historic third line Center in the league that’s impressive um for me and Morgan geeki is another one like just steadily he’s another good contributor there’s a lot of good stories that said Trent Frederick just he comes to the front of my mind and and I’m not alone and I I I I pose this question to to people on Twitter yesterday about like halfway through the year where where they think the this this award should go to and there were a lot of people saying the names I just said but the most one that was mentioned was Tren Frederick and I actually agree and my question for you guys is for my opening shift is has his ceiling in your mind changed as an NHL player I know earlier this year we talked about maybe after after last year he could be you certainly a third liner in the NHL but Scott mentioned how he’s already kind of playing a second line role because this team is just kind of balanced but he’s starting to seem like a player that has legitimate top six forward potential in this league year in and year out in a power forward role and there’s numbers to back up what he’s done this year and and but I want to get your guys’ opinion before I I I throw those out but just your thoughts on Tren Frederick and how has his ceiling changed as a player in your mind right in front of your eyes this year yeah he just keeps pushing it higher I mean he’s getting consistently better every year and you know last year he is a breakout season where he get ends up with 17 goals he already has 14 this year and there’s still a game to go before the allstar break he has 14 assists he already tied his career high I mean he’s on Pace for 24 goals in 48 points like to to your point that’s that’s legit middle six production like now we’re not just talking about third line production you’re talking about middle six you’re talking about a guy who has driven the third line when he plays there and also helps the first or second line when he gets bumped up like he in the third period against Carolina gets bumped up with Coy and marshand and sets up both of maran’s goals so he’s he’s moving around he can play either Wing he can play center um and yeah like I you see that and you’re like oh okay so I guess now he’s a mid 20 goals around 50 points guy it’s like well what if he keeps pushing up from that like what he’s that this year what if next year he’s 30 goals 60 points like I don’t think you can really rule anything out for him right now because there’s still he’s on that steady incline where he clearly hasn’t topped out yet I think what’s cool about how he’s done it too is just that he’s done it from every single position you could possibly put in he’s been able to handle and it kind it shows you he’s Pro I would say he’s probably the most versatile player on the team in terms of you tell him okay you’re playing center tonight you’re playing wing tonight like zaka is probably up there too but zaka doesn’t fight and zaka not going to play fourth line minutes like Frederick has gone played on pretty much every line this year and he seemed to work well with everyone and that’s not something that we were saying two years ago three years ago I mean there were there not that long ago when we first started the podcast his situation was like we weren’t sure he was going to make the Bruins at a camp and now you’re looking at him and you’re like okay well he’s clearly found uh his confidence in the NHL he’s he’s found a way to impact the games in all sorts of different ways um hey who knows he might start seeing more power play time now we’ve seen him do that a little bit so um I just think it’s cool how he’s done it because he’s such a good team player all the guys like him and are very happy to see the numbers that he’s putting up and and kind of all believed in him this whole time because they they knew more before we did kind of what he what he’s like um and what he could do so it it’s nice to see him get that reward with the goals and and see his Productions step up and you wonder what his role might be next year because we’ve been talking about you know the Bruns need to add a top six Winger um maybe at some point in the future we’re not seeing something like that with Frederick around like maybe one at some point in the future we’re like well no like just put Frederick there yeah and and Scott you mentioned it last night online uh 15 points in his last seven games seven goals eight assists and you know not only does that speak to consistency but I think like when you mentioned what his his his season ending projections um I kind of take that with a grain of salt because I feel like once you kind of get going in this league it you you really get going and like his confidence is there now he knows he can do it and I’m not saying that that confidence wasn’t totally there earlier in the year I just think there’s a different between Trent Frederick on the ice right now than there was in October November and I think he’s been playing great all year but from a scoring perspective once you start scoring it’s you know I think that bar elevates for you so I could see him just continuing to maybe not score on a you know 15 Point 17 game Pace but like I think I think he could probably I think he can keep climbing is my point and what’s awesome to see is the way he’s scoring goals like he’s scoring go goal goal scorers goals like that goal he scored against Detroit um maybe about a month ago when he challenged Ben shro to a fight right afterwards was an amazing backhand goal um and he kind of like I feel like that that goal is like kind of has like propelled him um but last night against Ottawa receives a pass at the Blue Line Takes Two Steps in snaps one top shelf like that’s a that’s a goal scorer’s goal not a lot of not a lot of uh guys in the NHL you know can can can score on a shot like that from that far out and beat a goalie clean that’s impressive it’s what’s shots like that is what separates David pasnak um from like there’s a million things that separate him but like that’s that’s a that’s a the kind of goal pasta scores and not the kind of goal Tred Frederick was scoring earlier in his career by the way speak speaking of a Frederick posa comparison they are tied in five on five points per 60 Minutes only Charlie Coyle is more in the Bruins I looked this up last night there’s 37 forwards in the NHL who have played 400 five on five minutes this season Trent Frederick is 40th in points per 60 Minutes like if you just think about that from a league with 32 teams for him to be 40th in five on five scoring like that’s it’s just The Testament to to how good he’s been because again Bridget mentioned the power play like on the season he still has gotten very little Power Play Time overall like all of just about all of his damage comes five on five um and yeah like that shot like that’s that’s someone who’s just feeling confident and you know like you mentioned about how you can just get on a roll like yeah he’s he’s attacking he’s going middle he’s taking his shots he’s picking spots like that I mean that was just the goal scor’s goal that’s you know it’s a great shot like he uses the defenseman as a little bit of a screen and just snaps top corner I think it was a little bit posting in like yeah it’s it’s it’s not just the it’s not even just the shooting right it’s it’s it’s the skating with the puck on his stick making plays it’s his passing everything has just I mean and again it hasn’t been an overnight switch that flipped right like he had a good year last year okay like let’s not let’s not act not not you guys are but I don’t want to act like I didn’t think the player was already on a on an upward trajectory he was but but he’s making a significant difference this year where I look at this I look at I look at him in the past and I saw a player I look at him now the way he’s been playing and I see a Difference Maker his size and his ability um to control the puck and protect the puck and make plays and use his us his long stride now that he’s putting it all together dare I say it’s like it’s like a he’s a first- round Talent right so it’s like you’re seeing that come to fruition now and not every first line uh first round Talent is a you know an anel All-Star but um yeah so kudos to him absolutely and not every and not every first line talent that gets put in a fourth line role for several seasons finds a way to get out of it when that’s not the game that they’re used to playing like he was able to carve himself out role a completely different role and then build on all of those other things we were talking about that make him a Difference Maker Now like he was able to solidify a spot in the lineup by being tough and by grinding it out and just being defensively sound and then he started adding and showing the other things that he could do and it’s not always easy to climb your way out from I’m a tough guy grinder fourth liner to okay now I’m you know third line Center when I start as a wing and now like maybe you can throw me in the top six and um he’s he’s done it just like piece by piece putting the work in and and sticking with it it it’s crazy that he was a healthy scratch on opening night just last season and if you remember at the end he was a healthy scratch in two playoff games too like once guys came back into the lineup Bon and cie uh and you know obviously they had added guy guys with with berzi and Hathaway like he he got shuffled out and it’s like obviously that’s not going to happen now it’s like he’s such a fixture in their middle six now it’s you know crazy to think that just last year just not even 12 months ago he was still getting scratched at times like that’s and you know I remember wondering at the time like would that going into a cont contract negotiation like would that have soured any feelings and and it didn’t he made it clear he wanted to stay and they they get close to arbitration but end up getting a deal done before they got there and that deal looks like a steal now two years $2.3 million a year like not only Great Value this year but next year as well yeah I mean there there was a play last year where it kind of like woke him up like in general it was against the Rangers at Madison Square Garden somebody’s I forget who it was but somebody and the Rangers stepped up and you know Green lit open Ice hit Frederick and it kind of started like a bit of a melee he ended up fighting barklay goodro and I feel like that moment just kind of like woke him up and then it’s ever since then it’s been you know gradual and I didn’t love him getting scratched last year in the playoffs I didn’t um but you know definitely not going to happen anymore and you mentioned the power play I think the I think power play time is the next thing on the horizon for him like I with his size and his shot um I could see him being an effective player in the bumper buper too or at least net front um something to consider going forward but um he had a goal on the power play one time like one of the very few times he played on the power play he had that net front goal yeah that was a nice move like showed showed good hands yeah and and he he had that goal against um sorry Scot iead we’re glitching no I was just saying that that power play goal was a nice move yeah I don’t know my internet’s been a little in and out so okay it’s not me though I don’t think um so did you want to move on to it it’s it’s probably a combination okay um Scott you want to go to your opening shift about marshan Scotty Scotty Doesn’t Know yeah because my my internet’s like really in and out right now so if you guys want to talk hopefully mine comes back here okay all right I’ll start because my internet seems to be fine um I I want to go to Scott’s opening shift because um talking about Brad Marshon and the impact he’s been able to have and he scores another overtime gamewinner in Ottawa I don’t know if you guys thought that that game seemed like it was you know it seemed like it was destined for overtime I feel like that should have been a regulation win uh even though the Bruins are up not against not just the Senators they were up against the refs once again uh we we can get to either part of that first Brian I I know like we talked right before we get on here about how the refs are were kind of a main storyline again and it shouldn’t be like that so uh the Bruins end up giving up uh two Power Play Goals and and it’s not you know it’s it’s hard to fight against that they the first three power plays that the Senators had they didn’t get a single shot off on any of them um but then when you give them six chances like they’re going to start getting shots and they’re going to start putting them in so uh what are you guys thoughts on how regulation went and then we can go to the overtime goal by Marshon well I mean I I hate talking about the officiating because it’s just waste of energy and it shouldn’t be it shouldn’t be something we talk about but I couldn’t help but bring it up to you guys this morning because it’s like anytime that that that one team has six power plays the other team has one it’s like it’s just it’s clearly it’s it’s just a inability to do your job effectively and and to your point bridg it’s like the Bruins are playing short-handed all game playing against the senders and the refs and I’m not somebody who likes to to to to bring officials into the play because I think they suck for every team but after a night like last night it’s like in a league where you call somebody for breathing on somebody like you’re going to call the Bruins six times but the S you mean to tell me that the Senators haven’t you know done a little you know love tap to the gloves to call them as well the it pisses me off when you when you look at up any NHL game I don’t care if it’s the Bruins who are the recipient the recipients of the good calls any NHL box score where one team has one power play and the other team has two three four times the amount five times the amount six times the amount it it is unacceptable it should never happen um I that’s just that’s all I can really say it’s pathetic C can I ask you guys a question is is embellishment still a penalty in the NHL I’m gonna go with no are they are they supposed to call that because I I remember a time when the NHL started cracking down on embellishment and I think it might be time to do that again because I I’m not just talking about Bruins games but other games I watch like there are lot of embellishments and I can’t remember the last time I saw her called like it it’s it’s crazy and the reason I bring it up now is because the Senators both of their Power Play Goals came when they got power plays because Parker Kelly flopped He Flops to the ice battling with Trent Frederick behind the net He Flops to the ice getting shoved by Parker weather spoon with it gets called a cross check but like that push happens in every scrum in the corner all game long it usually players have more shame than to drop to the ice like like a ton of bricks like Parker Kelly did um but like that’s embarrassing for the refs to fall for that to fall for it twice from the same guy it’s like what are you guys doing like what are you watching you know like these are NHL players that lift weights and train and have the best strength and conditioning work in the world they’re strong enough to stay on their feet when someone nudges them in the back trust me they are strong enough to stay on their feet so when you see a guy just drop like that like put two and two together and realize he’s trying to get a call and you fell for it you you idiots like it’s it’s insane it’s just unbelievable it is insane you got 60 Minutes in a hockey game to allot 12 of those to a team to have a man advantage and then give the other team two and and and and first of all no it was one wasn’t it just one no no well I mean two like like two two minutes of power time um which ended up actually only being three seconds because just blasted a one timer yeah it was three whole seconds exactly right okay fair enough right so it’s like how as a as an official how can you do you like do you think they’re walking out of Scotia Bank Arena last night being like yeah crushed that game boys good job like like what like like what are you doing seriously even if the Bruins deserved all those penalties which they didn’t it’s like you gota you mean to tell me that the centers played a completely clean game especially when everything gets called this these days it’s like come on guys like s this this goes beyond the Boston Bruins versus the Ottawa Senators on January 25th like this is about this is a League wide issue and they gotta they gotta figure they got to figure it out they’re they are ruining um they’re ruining the games they’re ruining the game yeah it’s it’s hard to watch watch especially the embellishment stuff like that’s not hockey embellishment is what like is soccer or basketball like that’s not hockey uh it shouldn’t be and when you say when’s the last time you remember someone getting called for embellishment the last time I saw an embellishment call was in a college hockey game I can’t remember the last time I saw one in the NHL so brid I’m gonna tell you this as someone who also watches a lot of soccer soccer is doing a better job of cutting down on this right now than the NHL is I I watch a lot of premier league and you know what happens when guys flop in the Premier League they get the foul and they get a yellow card and that’s it there’s no there’s not even matching it’s the guy who flops gets penalized and that’s the only call good and about freaking time right and like the NHL could and should be doing that too and they’re not only on they not even calling both guys they’re just falling for the embellishment like they’re just calling the penalty on the other uh so the officials should be uh one of our Downs this week um well before we get to the ups and downs I guess what Scott do you have any um any finishing remarks regarding Marian in your opening teak I don’t think so I mean I think I cover most of it but just that he’s like he is more than rising to the occasion as Captain leader and once again star player which you know look he had a good season last year 21 goals 67 points it just wasn’t vintage marshand and we know why he talked all season about how he still didn’t feel fully like himself after that double hip surgery and he was saying that like even going into the playoffs and you know it like in a whole season of wh ifs with how everything ended you wonder how That season plays out how that playoffs plays out if if you have you know like a fully recovered year removed from hip surgery marand because we’re seeing that he he still has it in the tank it was just the hip that was kind of holding him back last year um and you know sometimes you wonder like look he’s in his mid-30s it wouldn’t be surprising enough all at all if that was just what he is now you know maybe he’s just a 60 65 point guy for a couple years and then he drops down to a 50-point guy that would be normal that’s what tends to happen as players get into their mid-30s mid to late 30s instead with marshan like this is to me like it’s you call it a bounceback season but again it’s not like he was that down last year I just think it’s more of a statement season it’s like he’s still cap of this and and he’s capable of it without berson as a center which um is just impressive impressive it’s it’s an impressive season that he’s putting together did you uh did you have a chance to mention earlier about him passing a certain somebody in Bruins lore yeah top yeah I mentioned that in the the open passing Bor but yeah impressive stuff I mean anytime anytime you’re you’re passing Ray Bor on anything Bruins related it’s well he decided he decided to make a joke about it the other day when he tied him and say Ray Bor was a defenseman he’s like I’m up here and he’s like well that’s a defenseman and but but then he was like no I’m just kidding like uh obviously he’s one of the best ruins ever so uh yeah he he he doesn’t like to talk a lot about like individual accomplishments which a lot of the guys don’t but he he didn’t really take a whole lot of time to talk about what it meant for himself because you know the drill it’s all about the cups and the team not the individual achievements but obviously like we can talk about how impressive it is oh absolutely yeah and yeah it is funny when he when he puts it that way Ray Bor was a was a defenseman but still I mean um yeah I mean I mean he’s just cementing himself uh as as one of the greatest Bruins I mean there’s no other way to describe it and one of the most clutch Bruins because he now with another overtime goal he keeps moving up that list too like his his overtime scoring has has been key and uh so he he does it again he finds a way to to win I think Jeremy San only faced that one shot in the overtime uh and so the Bruins do what they should have done in regulation and take two points away from Ottawa who had not been doing great this season record-wise um so that’s a team that they they needed to beat but um not that they’re necessarily a bad team but I know I know the Canadian media has been on top of them quite a bit but yeah I mean that they’ve been playing they’ve been playing a little bit better recently and they’ve been scoring a bunch of goals so yeah that’s that’s that’s the crazy part about it is that they’re they are scoring and their power play isn’t bad like I just don’t really understand what’s going on with them well that they don’t they don’t play any defense and they don’t have a goalie so that’s what’s going on with them um but yeah one other interesting note from overtime uh David ponok did not play in overtime he was not on either of the top two three on three units um yeah because think think back to what the breakdowns were the last few times they lost in overtime who is on the ice I mean I know we also talk about he’s on the ice to score but like if you’re trying to really make a statement about okay this is something we are not doing in overtime like you have to put the better Puck managers like the better situation managers in there and P knock obviously is your deadliest threat to score but uh you see you kind of see maybe this is the new philosophy and how to not lose so many games in overtime yeah I think they’ve clearly placed more of an emphasis on possession and like actual defensive responsibility whereas it you know it’s look it’s tempting three on three like hey just throw your most talented players and tell them to go and it’s like okay but then if you don’t score on your first chance you’re giving up a two or three on one so um yeah they they have gone better like I think the last couple times they’ve gone to overtime now you’ve you’ve seen them value the puck how many times did we come on here and talk about how like you know other teams will Circle back and cycle and possess the puck for a minute straight and then like the Bruins will get it go one on two and turn it over in 12 seconds it’s like or take a stupid shot and then that’s it then they lose the yeah Jake yeah Jake de bruss that one game yeah it’s like yes they maybe they just needed more practice time maybe it just hadn’t been enough a focus um you know it is such a specialty situation that you’re obviously not practicing it as much as five on five as much as power play penalty kill two on one Rush three on two rush like that’s all the stuff that the Bruns really focused on in practice but yes that their overtime problems got bad enough that they clearly needed to like come come back to the drawing board and figure out a different approach and I think they have well yeah think about if you go to overtime 10 times in the season and and you you lose most of them like say you lose seven or eight of them like you’re missing out on seven or eight points towards the standing and that’s not an ins significant number like that means you you’re now having to to work harder um in in the games later on down your schedule because you missed out on points earlier in the season that you you should have at least had a better chance to to hold on to some of them if you just I don’t know if if you had your overtime three on three stuff tied down earlier in the season I understand why it’s not practiced as much but uh it definitely was a necessity for this team because you’re otherwise you’re just giving up points if you keep doing the same thing in overtime and having the same result and it’s not it’s also not great for the team like in the locker room to to have this keep happening to them so you gota write it at some point yeah I I think um all good good points I feel like we should head over to the um who’s up Who’s down because my Wi-Fi is so shitty that I couldn’t hear a word you guys are saying and then in the last 10 seconds you two sounded like Alvin and the Chipmunks and you were talking a million miles an hour so I’m going to assume we were still talking about Brad Mar and the Bruins overtime uh um you know success and David Pac not being out there but uh who’s up Who’s down we have uh well Scott I’ll let you go over a couple couple of the downs and Bridget too shaton Kirk’s in there as one of your uh opening shift mentions as well yes I guess we can start with the Downs um not many because again Bruns are in a stretch here where they’ve only lost one game recently uh but it has been a quiet stretch for Matt padra uh who and now has gone five games without a point and I don’t think he’s playing poorly but he’s been down on the fourth line minutes have been down around 8 n 10 minutes um and Montgomery basically said like you know he’s gonna have to he he’s playing fine but he’s gonna have to earn more ice time and listen it’s it’s it’s not I don’t even think it is a problem I know some people on Twitter they get mad every time Matt potra ends up under 10 minutes and you know you get the whole how’s he supposed to develop if he’s on the fourth line he’s only playing eight minutes it’s like guess what he’s on a standing cup Contender you I’m sorry he’s not just going to be handed 14 minutes when the guys above him are playing well like look at the Bru’s top three lines right now who you know who like who are you moving off who’s who’s getting their minutes slashed um the team’s playing well and if padra has to contribute in in a smaller role then then so be it and and I think he is again like I I don’t think he’s playing poorly I just think it would at some point you want to see him start to get back in the score sheet so um whether that requires you know a bump up to maybe a more talented line like say with with Frederick and geeki at some point or if he just has to fight through and and find a way to produce on on a fourth line roll in fourth line minutes um you know look other guys have put up some points on that fourth line D Heinen was on the list on the fourth line when he got a hatrick so uh um yeah a down only because the points haven’t been there really yeah and down in down in the lineup a little bit as well from where he started the season um to the fourth line now but and down a minutes a little bit so um so yeah I would I would agree with you on that and then shat and Kirk who we mentioned earlier um you know the problem with this is like I do really wish I had a little bit more information about the extent of an injury if there even is one because then that that takes like takes away the healthy scratch like 100% like because healthy scratch is a pretty good indication that um you’re having a little bit of a Down strrretch that at least in in coach’s eyes um but if it’s not 100% healthy you know then you’re getting someone else in there but I will say Weatherspoon has been playing well enough to keep his spot in the lineup which means somebody else is getting pushed out now that forer’s back and and obviously more than likely something we’ve said since the early parts of the season the sixth and seventh defenseman on this team probably will cycle in and out so there’s gonna both of them are going to be scratches at different points depending on matchups and and do you need a big guy or do you need someone who can move the puck better um so it’s just kind of we’re we’re kind of starting to see exactly where everybody lies in the depth chart and then I wouldn’t be surprised also if forber gets more rest time because um he had a really slow recovery so I assume that like to try to preserve his health there would be some rest built in for him but yeah shaton Kirk um has to go on the down this this particular uh week because of the scratches for UPS we do have Frederick Coy Marsh and I think outside of David Pak I I do think that those have been um your your three best forwards this year I think I mean obviously James Van rdik is up there in points as well and there’s an argument to be made for him but if you’re just talking about Frederick’s overall development and importance in that where he is in the lineup to to create that depth in scoring um obviously Charlie Coyle has stepped up in a major way this year we talked about Martian a lot so there’s those three individuals and then we also have D Heinen and and Jacob bloko who I think had his first multi-point um or multi-game point streak of his career his first goals the season has come in the last few weeks as well so wherever you guys want to pick up those pieces with those those UPS yeah well with Lao you mentioned it earlier but he ends up out of the lineup Thursday night which I’m assuming there some sort of minor injury there I’m assuming he’s one of the guys Montgomery was talking about needed to see in warm-ups um because yeah he had been playing really well two goals in his previous three games three game point streak um grapes everywhere so uh yeah you want the grapes man Scott so this comes because Scott asked him a question about the grapes uh in one of the was it the last media availability that we get to talk to him Scott just went right for the hard-hitting questions about the grapes so uh yeah it was um that was Wednesday or Tuesday practice or Wednesday pregame I don’t know I forget it all Blends together but yes it does I have no idea what day it is guys um but Scott please explain to people who maybe don’t understand the grape thing quickly since you mentioned the grapes laa loves grapes he so the way he told it was like he he always would eat fruit before games anyways um that’s not true Donuts there was Donuts at one point he said in czechia like the team would always have like a fruit spread and then he got to to Providence and they didn’t really have that so he started bringing his own fruit and he said he’d tried a couple other fruits but that they were too messy he’d end up with sticky hands so he ended up settling on grapes because they were easy to eat they were clean uh and he likes them so wait a wait a minut wait a minute hold on a second here hold on a second here Scott sticky hands I mean I bridges on to something I mean Mark diver told us that that Loco he he preferred Donuts in Providence maybe that’s where the sticky hands came from what what fruits giving you sticky hands yeah it’s more like uh glazed maple glazed donuts sir I hear those make your hands pretty sticky but well everybody knows everybody knows a donut with strawberry frosting is a fruit is a fruit yeah that’s a fruit it counts um no well when I first saw him so if you watch like them the video on Ness and of like the guys walking in or you see them post on the Bruins Instagram like pictures of the guys walking in look at at what he’s holding he’s almost always got the like a a big full bag of grapes in his hand as he’s walking in I hope one time he just starts eating them as as they’re filming him or something but uh my immediate thought was grapes are also full of sugar so if you like you know a nice sugary doughnut like grapes you’re you look better you’re like look at I’m eating fruit but it’s also just full of sugar like when I was on keto that would be a a noo uh terms of something that I definitely couldn’t eat so yeah well hey a little sugar before the games nothing wrong with that helps get you up um what are you eating I’m I’m eating fruit buddy it’s a caramel apple come on it’s a candy apple you’re eating there CH chocolate covered strawberries hey no those are good for you Scott what are you saying okay those are those are perfectly healthy um but we totally T took away from the point which is that he’s been playing better so he can have as many grapes as he wants and maybe we can even say you know the grapes are part of the reason why he’s doing better but Scott did you have anything else to say about how Alo isn’t up this week no um I’ll throw Charlie Coyle out as as another up you I think Ryan mentioned him but we haven’t talked this time about Coyle but two more points for him Thursday night and he played 2130 uh I mean that’s a c few games now recently he’s been up over 20 minutes again just to kind of further the point that this is a guy who’s playing like a legit number one Center he’s putting up the points he’s playing the minutes he’s doing the job in all three you know five on five power play penalty kill um and just you know continues to just play at a at a really high level I mean Pavo zaka has 28 points and Coyle has 41 and going into the year it was kind of all right which one of those guys will pull away as the number one Center Point production and I think everybody thought zaka had the higher ceiling offensively um and then you know kudos to coil because then you know a bright-eyed bushy tailed 19-year-old came around and everybody started saying maybe maybe Charlie Coyle goes back to third line Center where he you know if Charlie CO’s your third line Center your team’s really deep I was one of them and since then you know there he is undisputedly um you know their best center this year obviously by far and he’s he’s a true number one Center for this team in this moment and good for him um for all of that he deserves every Accolade that and and um compliment that he gets this year um I know there might be a little bit more to discuss with the Bruins but we have to go shortly and I did want to give CH uh Scott a chance to to talk about a very exciting week of hockey for his alma mater and what’s going to kick off an exciting couple of weeks in college hockey yeah historic series for Buu and BC this weekend first time ever that they’ve met as the number one and number two teams in the country beu number one going in BC number two very surprising by the way I I I’m surprised to hear that based on their their history yeah and I think so I don’t know exactly how long like the poll whole era counts I don’t think it goes all the ways back to like the 70s because bu and BC did play in a national championship game in 1978 so I’m assuming if there were polls they would have been one and two going into that game you’d think so um but anyways yeah regardless historic the last time they faced as even top five teams was 10 years ago 2014 um last time they were both in the top three was 2012 so it’s it’s a great it’s only like the 26th time ever that there’s been a one-w matchup only the second time with hockey east teams and both games are are sold out Friday night at at BC at Connie Forum Saturday at be at a ganis and Brian mentioned it being a couple weeks that’s because they also play in the first round the bean poot on February 5th in just you know what not even two weeks a week and a half or whatever um so yeah an incredible stretch of hockey for uh for that rivalry and tickets on the secondary Market the cheapest ones I was looking yesterday are going for like $170 $180 I just I’ve never I’ve never seen that this kind of demand for a regular season College hockey game around this is why I’m sometimes this is why I’m I’m happy I don’t have to pay for tickets so I just get I just uh you it’s because I’m working so I can’t just like sit down by the glass and have a beer like how I I would love to watch a game like that at some point because that’s been a long time since I did that but uh yeah it’s going to be a good one uh I want to bring this up because this is something that’s been bothering me that I saw and this is uh this isn’t something be did so don’t worry about it Scott but Ryan Leonard for BC just like screaming at maramax goalie what what was that like what even is that he’s gonna get killed in the NHL if he does something like that well he’s gonna fight back in the NHL he he is a pest and he is like if if you’re a be fan by the end of this weekend you’re absolutely Gonna Hate Ryan Leonard um I I don’t think I will because I kind of love the edge that he has like he showed it in World Juniors too um he’s gonna eat like a goalie stick or something at some point in his career if he yells at the goalie though like come on like I understand being a pest but like you’re you’re a young like just looks like a brat when he does that I don’t know to me like you’re young you’re like in a situation where you’re you should be like paying your dues a little bit I don’t know I mean I I agree but I also think he’s he might just be like a borderline psycho like if a goalie gives him a stick to the teeth he’s the kind of he seems like the kind of kid who would like be laughing through broken teeth and blood you trying to say he’s like a kachuck or something yes like a that that’s exactly the kind of player he’s gonna be and he’s he’s a capital he’s capital’s first round pick so he’s going to go there and then learn from Tom Wilson and become that even more like so Scott I I apologize if you already laid it out completely but after tonight’s Friday after Friday night’s game which is out it’s at a ganis Friday’s at Connie Saturday a ganis okay so Friday’s at BC Saturday’s at a ganis and then um and then that’s the last those are the last two games they play each other until the be pot or there’s another home in home no then then it’s the bean pot first round bean pot okay wow cool yep can’t wait so you’re going to aanas Scott on Saturday I’m going I’m going both nights I will be there both nights and and but both games are on nesson too so anyone who doesn’t want to pay $200 for tickets you can watch at home yes watch watch nesson Saturday the whole day because I got the broadcast right before so I’ll be broadcasting the P HL game at 4 and then right after that is the bcbu game so well that’s and ruins Flyers at 12:30 so you get I was just gonna say yeah wake up go get go get your Dunkin Donuts coffee and your uh you know your your your favorite your favorite Dino food I don’t I don’t know go watch Bruins go watch leave it leave it tuned to Ness for the whole day go watch beu yeah um I I’m going to be scanning um nessen both nights for like somebody throwing popcorn at BC players only to see that it’s Scott with like a Michael rosion Jersey on all right um that’s what he does when he’s a fan he’s usually has to keep it tame in the Press Box when he’s a fan he’s an animal so that that’s what I do to Bridget in the Press Box that’s not true that’s what I do to Scott what’s the uh what’s the uh what’s the beu fan chant at the bean pot like like [ __ ] up [ __ ] him up BC sucks or something like that they they yeah they’ve technically changed it to rough him up you know I think I think there’s still a lot of people who say [ __ ] him up so you think I could just see I could just see like be scoring a goal like you have like the you have the band in the top of the balcony at the Garden with their you know playing their music and you see SC SC Scott’s going crazy in communist CHT got Scott’s got a shirt off painted painted red with beu and white paint on his chest I you know what he no I’m I’m not Moonlighting as as Sasquatch that be that that job’s already taken at be you it’s been been covered for for a couple decades now all right well I think that probably wraps it up um hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy enjoy all the hockey as we just mentioned and we will talk to you on Monday hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your 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Discussing the Bruins’ performance and issues with officiating for Boston against the Senators. Is Trent Frederic running away with the 7th player award? Who’s up and who’s down for the Bruins this week?

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  1. Hooray!! Bridgette is back!!! Great job on NESN! You did a great job on the play-by-play; I predict you will someday be the first woman to do play-by-play for the Boston Bruins. I really like Jack Edwards, but he will retire someday!! God bless you!

  2. honestly the last game against Carolina we got 3 phantom calls against, just horrible. Last night it went to a whole new level, I'm beginning to suspect a league hard on against my team.

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