@Montreal Canadiens

They Are looking GOOD, The CANADIENS.

They Are Looking GOOD, The CANADIENS

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Inside of the Habs Daily News, Coach reviews his Canadiens Pyramid prospects and realizes just how good the Canadiens’ prospects are looking.

Not only does he analyze the pyramid, but he also reviews the full Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club player roster overall, including the Habs Rockets and the players not under contract yet.

Watch until the end to see the outcome of Coach’s pyramid. Remember, every day we deliver one or two videos about the Canadiens and we post a poll question at 10:00 PM about the Canadiens.

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  1. Hey Coach, i like your classification, my only change would be for Barron, i see him as AHL/NHL. I see no hockey IQ, the talent is there and i know Dmen take longer to develop, but I don’t see any progression from him. I hope we can package him in a trade.

  2. Nice work…Maybe Mesar lower, Beck and Kapanen higher. Projecting the 2024 draft picks on the pyramid is hard for fans like me…

  3. Pyramid looks sound,but I would switch Engstrom and Barron, elevate Protz one level, about Volokhin, we don't know how to rate him yet(need to see him play), Konushkov may end up being better than we thought.
    Q who do you think may be a dark horse, has the tools to maybe go further up your pyramid? As always- Go habs go.

  4. I don't see Barron as ever being anything but average. Beck, not so much as a scorer but adding the aspect of a role player on a 200 foot level I'd put as above average. Mailloux was 3rd in AHL defenseman as a rookie, has the size and physicality that I think he's possibly underestimated here.
    I'd hesitate calling Demidov elite without seeing him perform in a higher level league, just high talent for now. Mesar I see an AHL ceiling and him ending up going back to Europe.
    Thorpe is another one I hesitate to project. Why? He can score goals and gets assists. He's reasonably mobile and still adapting to his size. The amount of progress he showed over one season is very much significant. The areas he needs to improve are workable and teachable. If he can step up on his skating and edgework (for his size), it'll be key to bringing his overall game to the next level. He's a wild card in the deck just yet.
    Koivu is another who's taken big steps quickly, as with Thorpe, after being drafted, confidence and determination over their next season should reveal a better projection on their potential. Sawyer too, high energy and offensive flare with potential to step up.
    Farrell, Rorher, Trudeau, Tuch, and Kidney seem more capped to AHL level.
    All in all, it's hard to go by stat sheets and clips as opposed to getting to watch players in consecutive full games. There's plenty of real solid potential now for up and down the entire line-up even with removing the players I've capped off. Some I'm just not comfortable making a projection just yet. When Roy was drafted around 150th, at the time I didn't expect to see him at the level he is now. Then again, maybe Mtl management seen Roy at a higher regard but was banking on him still being available late as the QMJHL is a less favorable NHL pool than it used to be.

  5. Mesar and barron are lower i think. Beck will be the penalty killer qb so i guess i would have him up for that reason. Similar to Bob Gainey when he played. As for Fowler i think he can be borderline with top end talent. His butterfly style is very solid and he focuses on the puck. He is still a student of the game right now, but i think he will suprise everyone.

  6. Hey coach. I think we need nhl players. Guys like Will Cuyle who aren't worth too much or little. We really don't have good deph at all for forwards in the NHL. We can't rely on guys like Beck and Hage to be 40 point two way centers when they have played almost 0 nhl or ahl games

  7. i mostly agree with your pyramid, but…

    barron is hard to place. the talent is there, but the effort isn't always and he's a defensive liability. he'll probably be a power play specialist. and somewhere else.

    i think protz can be a quality bottom pair NHL dman in time.

    mesar is looking a lot like a bubble player. i think we should trade him. he's starting to get an attitude, too, and not one i like. he hasn't been developing as we'd hoped. trade kostenko too, if we can, his attitude is also a problem.

    i can see why you put koivu and xhekaj as bubble guys, and i get it, but i don't think they'll be yo-yo guys like say, farrell might be. they'll make it or they won't. i think florian has a higher chance.

    i might put fowler in the high talent range. his physical tools are excellent, but his mental game is even better. i have no worries about him handling the pressure as the habs' #1.

    and hutson could be in the elite category. he sees the ice better than anyone in the habs organization with the possible exception of demidov. this includes the NHL roster.

    at least one of dobes/volokhin will be at least a quality NHL backup, imo.

  8. Nice to see your big picture take on so many guys, I love it. The Habs need to find a core group that gel as a team for MSL so Mgmt can find the holes and then add through trades. Our D&D is the long term goal of operations, the business of producing players for the Habs or to trade as the currency of team wealth. A few will be expected to join and play, like Beck, but we don't really know who will emerge, so it's year 3 of a 5 year plan with a lot to figure out. There's no rush, the Eastern Conference will be a war zone this year, every team got better while we are pretty much the same. We'll finish as we did last year or worse, but lots to trade out could add a couple of good picks. Demidov will play in the NHL this year, that's our highlight of the year.

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