@Seattle Kraken

McDavid high stick on Soucy: accident, embellishment, or intentional? – Have your say!

Connor McDavid caught Carson Soucy with a high stick . It was called a minor penalty, but it’s opened up a conversation among fans that’s almost as intense as the Pettersson charging penalty.


  1. The visor hit his face. You could blame the helmet or the strap or whatever, but it's not as if he's able to consider those things before reacting. Afterwards, maybe it's an embellishment, but the original reaction is valid.

    As for McDavid, that was really reckless. He looks like half his brain is anticipating the puck getting past Soucy, but the other half realizes that Soucy is going to get it. McDavid might have a habit (like a lot of players) of raising the stick before accelerating, which probably explains the bad spot his stick ends up in. It wouldn't make any sense to intentionally high stick Soucy in this situation, or Hugues in game 2.

    Edit – I just watched the replay a couple more times at the moments before the high stick. McDavid definitely begins skating past Soucy, and raises his stick to go over Soucy (in that situation, it would arguably be the most efficient way to get it out of the way). Part of his brain goes "oh wait" and starts bringing the stick back down. Bad play on McDavid's part in every way imaginable, and could have really hurt Soucy.

  2. Visor or not it's a penalty McDavid is showing himself to be a disappointment. How long would it have taken for a penalty to be called if it were him to have been sticked to the face. I think after the Huges high stick to the face he should have been given a suspension. Can you imagine if there was no visor he would have had and eye injury. Use to admire him but now he shows who he is.

  3. Uhm.. did you just start watching hockey? Players are injured all the time from their visor pushing against their face. The visor is there to protect from things going right in the eye. Players nose's, cheeks, orbital areas are injured and cut by their visor getting hit by a stick, the puck, the boards etc regularly.. like almost every game.

  4. mc highstick is turning out to be a cheap dirty player. news flash buddy. a stick to the head is a penalty no matter where it contacts the head. and with the refs seemingly having situational myopia when it comes to the nhl's golden boy, you better make a show of any contact to the head or he will get away with yet another one.

  5. Completely intentional and if it weren’t for Soucy’s theatrics, McMuffin would have got away with yet another intentional high stick. He was just bringing attention to the illegal hit to the head😬👎🏽

  6. That was solid contact and intentional to the visor. McDavid does this and gets away with it constantly, because it's him, the special one. The visor is a barrier to prevent major damage, not an immunity shield.

  7. He had his stick raised above Soucy's head so he was clear to swing his stick over and instead he lowered it and brought it across into Soucy's face. He wasnt going for Soucy's stick or the puck. Looks intention to me. As for Soucy's reaction. His visor bonked him on the nose. Probably stung him a bit

  8. Simply a Vancouver fans pushing forward to excuses as to why they lost the series , must have watch a bit of Leafs nation ….. I think Canuckle head management are slotting players in over the summer to go to Hollywood for acting lessons…. Not Zadorov though…. He is a understudy for next Shrek movie

  9. Intentional and not embellishment in the least (on Soucy). It's human nature and reflex reaction to grab your face/head after it's been hit. Virtually every single NHL player you see getting hit in the visor reacts this way. I don't get the discussion, or accusations. Why don't you ask your friend to hit you in the face when you're not expecting it and see how you react.

  10. Dude….anytime you get hit in the face, you're going to automatically grab your face. He doesn't know that it was the visor that hit him in the face initially. It's not like he's looking in the mirror.

  11. Dude got his bell rung. Any shot to the dome or visor is going to have you collecting your marbles. I dont like the narrative on this video.. otherwise, good video.

  12. McDavid is a serial high sticker, that much is clear. He does it every game but the NHL doesnt like to call it's poster child for penalties. Let's face it – the NHL doesnt like to see its poster children in the penalty box. If McDavid is in the box that means he isnt thrilling fans by putting up points.
    Star players get a free pass and everyone else doesn't.

  13. Yes, both were clearly intentional. Mc David is a serial high sticker. I'm a Canuck's fan and Im not making excuses. I have always appreciated the Oilers and wished them well. They have players with immense talent. But, honestly, as much as I want to see a Canadian team win the cup, I'm having a hard time wholeheartedly cheering for Edmonton after the cheap shots I've seen from Mc David and certain other Oilers in this series. I have lost a great deal of respect for the team, which isn't really fair to the rest of the Oilers and the great effort they put in. They have the talent and drive to win without this garbage. I sincerely hope someone takes the offenders aside and tells them that this should not be a part of the game. But, with the stakes so high, I seriously doubt that's going to happen. Moreover, the league doesn't appear willing to do so.

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