@Montreal Canadiens

I’m concerned about Dach..

OK Guys, it’s time to take a look at one of the stories heading into next season in my opinion.. and it’s the durability of Kirby Dach.. Who played only a few games during the 2023-2024 season, due to an injury to his MCL+ACL. I’m hoping Dach can finally play an entire season this year.. As having this 6’4 countermen in the lineup would be a massive difference maker!

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  1. I am concerned about Dach. I want to see him healthy. I want to see him on the second line, but the injuries he had brings up two problems. 1. He's more likely to get hurt again. 2. Even if he stays healthy, his previous injuries might get in the way of his performance, or fear of getting injured again, might make him more cautious and negatively affect his game. I do hope I'm wrong. Dach showed great promise, but there have been potentially great players in the NHL that had a short career due to multiple injuries.

  2. As a Hawks fan I feel so bad that Dach has had bad luck with the injury bug. I think he's got the talent to be very successful. I hope he has a fantastic season and career going forward. 🙏

  3. The Rocket was known for being injury prone and they almost traded him away lets hope he pulls a Rocket and starts bringing us cup runs.

  4. But poor Paulie Byron, his problems were already there and when he had to follow the code and get his ass beat by Weegar he was never the same. The groin issues were the least of his worries after that sheet.

  5. I think the Dach situation make me feel like Sidney Crosby start that he get concusion every season when he was 23 year old

  6. Looking forward to Dach’s return …… He’ll be ready and no doubt in great shape to perform throughout the season ……as for your vlog, you’re so pessimistic.

  7. No, I am not concerned. Kirby has been awesome in every situation he's been put in as a Hab. Guy was a bright spot while we're rebuilding. A bunch of guys were young and learning the game and the old vets didn't fit the rebuild plans.. it's just a matter of filling the gap until then. Healthy Dach is a welcome addition to the progress the team and prospects have taken. Kirby could play center or wing.. doesn't really matter since he's performing at either position.

    So another freak accident COULD happen, but have some balls and some faith please. Enough negativity.

  8. It's funny that you say GP is the one stat KD needs to accumulate more than anything. But then you have Josh on the other side of the coin who plays hard and hits and doesn't get hurt at all, but doesn't put up jack shit.
    Not saying you're wrong obviously. I know EXACTLY what you're saying. I'd love to see KD just get some games in. And not worry too much about his production too much if he can do that first.

  9. Besides Dach seems prone to get injured, more than average in the NHL, I do wonder if this guy's hearth belongs to Montreal. Up to now, since Kent Hughes became the Habs' GM, several good moves have been done. Drouin, Petry, Hofmann and Edmunson were NOT giving 100% of their capacities because their hearth didn't belong. Hughes and his partners are doing a good job, hiring guys who, first of all, really do want to play in Montreal. If Habs are going to be a winning team again, it will only happen with everyone giving all to the game, as Gallagher. Go, Habs, Go!

  10. I’m really worried about him staying healthy. After watching him break his arm after hitting an opponent that didn’t even see him coming in that Jr you tournament it makes you wonder how durable he actually is. Then he gets hit and blows out his entire knee when his feet weren’t even planted. Very strange. Anyway he’s talented and we really need him so all we can do is cross our fingers and root for our Kirby. Maybe it is just bad luck.

  11. i honestly doubt he is ever the same after that injury.

    if he can play a fullish season while still putting up like 30 points that would extremely impressive.

  12. Played 148 game out of the last 4 years including playoff , 4 years is 328 games without playoff so hes not even at 50% played

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