
Players on Unusual Teams: Chicago Edition

Players on Unusual Teams: Chicago Edition

by xmonk73


  1. LegionOfBOOM86

    At this point it’s a shorter list of who hasn’t kunitz played for

  2. Bobby Orr in a jersey other than a Bruins one is already going to be the most inexplicable of all.

  3. tie-dyeSandwhich

    Pains me not seeing Turco in a Dallas uniform

  4. hamburglar27

    Hasek backing up Belfour might have been one of the most talented goalie tandems ever. Of course, Hasek didn’t become a superstar until he was in Buffalo.

    They also faced each other in the SCF 7 years later.

  5. FuriousGeorge7

    Wow, Bruce Cassidy played his entire career in Chicago and played only 36 games over an eight year span.

  6. No-Craft8653

    For some reason Marty Turco makes perfect sense to me because Eddie Belfour went from the Hawks to the Stars, so of course Turco went from the Stars to the Hawks. I don’t know why, but in my head it’s a perfectly natural swap.

  7. Questionss2020

    Bobby’s knees were held up by hopes and dreams at this point.

    I wonder if modern medicine would’ve been able to save his career?

  8. Pizzonia123

    That pic does not do Theo Fleury any justice lmao. It looks like they pulled a random person off the street and gave him an old helmet from the warehouse with an oversized jersey.

  9. Fleury with a black eye, couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

  10. wingerdinger19

    Dan Cleary is behind Paul Coffey in the 4th picture.

  11. Even though he was there for 3 seasons I feel like Ted Lindsay should have been on this list too

  12. djauralsects

    My first game was seeing Orr play with Chicago in 1976.

  13. TheMedicatedOne

    Bondra was a bit of a shock for me. Makes sense as there was a few years there where I didn’t watch any NHL games.

  14. Menatorius

    Paul Coffey and Theo Fleury I had absolutely no idea! That’s wild

  15. superschaap81

    Orr just looks wrong, but I knew about it. Forgot about Coffey stopping in Chicago. Seems it was a destination for veterans looking for another season of hockey for a while there. Looks like it will be again for a bit too.

    I remember McCabe being TRADED to the Hawks for our Sedin pick, but I don’t remember him actually playing there (While wearing the most atrocious gloves ever made by Bauer).

  16. Background-Half-2862

    These are fun. I didn’t know Kunitz and Bondra got around as much as they did.

  17. WhiteFudge92

    Brad Richards and Kimmo I remember because of that 2015 Cup winning team. I also bought a Richards shirt before that season started

  18. hugentnopkins

    Howie Morenz is a good one, thought he only ever played for the Habs.

  19. SirZapdos

    Richards on the Blackhawks isn’t unusual to me. His no-look dish to Kane in game 6 and the ensuing goal and celebration are seared into my brain.

  20. MAFIAxMaverick

    Feel like Antoine Vermette has to be in here too.

  21. penguins8766

    Brad Richards wasn’t terrible during his tenure as a Blackhawk

  22. Kimmo lost to the Hawks in 2010 and then won a cup with them in 2015

  23. PobBrobert

    Hey, that’s Chicago Blackhawks legend and Stanley Cup Champion Kimmo Timonen to you

  24. Formerleafsfan

    Howie Morenz looks like his washing machine overflowed in his basement and he’s cleaning it up in full hockey gear. 

  25. Chicago is actually the first place my mind always puts Hasek. I collected hockey cards as a kid, but didn’t have TV so all I knew was the teams the players were on from the cards

  26. JoeSchmoe93

    I hate old management so fucking much. They traded so much young talent away because they were a bunch of cheap fucks.

  27. Mrfantastic2

    I hate Boston but damn does it look weird to see Orr in a different jersey. His knees were about done at that point though sadly. I wonder if stem cells and modern medicine could’ve saved his knees.

  28. TurbanGhetto

    Orr’s knee issues were so bad that he missed a total of 210 out of a possible 240 games over a 3 year span.

    …dealing with what would very soon be a career ending injury, in the 30 games he did manage to play in over that 3 year span he put up 41 points in 30 games as a d-man playing on only one leg.

    As a 30 year old that literally could not skate anymore at all he still somehow had 4 points in 6 games before being forced to retire.

    I know it doesn’t sound so impressive but the 4 points in 6 games when he couldn’t move anymore is the most mind numbing number for me.

  29. bluelineturnovers

    Orr’s stint with the Blackhawks is easily going to be the most jarring out of any of these and there’s still like 28 teams left

  30. mysteresc

    The number of future head coaches is impressive.

  31. ConmanSpaceHero

    Now chicago gets to see Kane on Detroit…. That’s going to be weird. Still is now.

  32. TheBusinessMuppet

    I have the same wendel clark card!

    All images of bobby Orr in a Blackhawk jersey should be destroyed and never see daylight again!

  33. cheezturds

    I don’t care if it was for 7 years, Probert being on the Blackhawks was bizarre.

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