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Tim and Sid Take Sides In The Matthew Tkachuk and Zach Kassian Feud | Tim and Sid

Tim and Sid discuss the heated rivalry between the Matthew Tkachuk and Zach Kassian.

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  1. Sorry u r so wrong how the hell can that first hit be ok that was to the god dam head, and tbh tkachk is a dirty player I hve seen him this season and I has done some dirty hits but they r ok hit which they r not. Yes he is Calgary,s best p,Ayer but he is dirty

  2. Lost in the discussion is the fact that Kassian has made the exact kind of hit on many other players over the years, just look at the playoffs last year against San Jose, and he didn't receive any penalties. Why is it okay when he is the delivery boy but not the recipient?

  3. If you go around hitting people all the time expect to get your ass kicked sometimes ! The NHL has the least amount of sportsmanship than any other sports league in the world !

  4. Who cares if it's "legal" it's still a dirty hit. Be ready to answer for your hits.. end of story

  5. Tkachuk is a champion. Clean hits. Trolled doughty and now kassian. Kassian was so butt hurt about the clean hits that he cost his team the game in a childish outburst. There’s a reason chucky didn’t get suspended

  6. I don't get it. What did Tkachuk do wrong? Did he break a rule and hurt someone by breaking that rule? Did he get penalised if he broke the rules? Looks like a couple of legal body checks to me. I guess he must've at least been suspended if after replaying this multiple times by player safety that it was determined that he did something illegal. Oh, you say it was all within the rules? Meanwhile Kassian targeted Tkachuks head about NINE TIMES with his fist and only got 2 games? I thought head shots were illegal, nevermind NINE of them. And what's a "predatory" hit? Aren't all hits meant to dislodge your opponent from the puck and possibly cause pain? I didn't know they had adopted ringette rules in the NHL ..

  7. Get a new helmet or keep your head up. And when you’re suspended say, “hockey is an emotionally charged and often violent game”.. And leave at that, then go get your payback if you want. Don’t go on television and essentially say, “I’m going to kill the chimp first chance I get..”. How stupid are you?

  8. Sid… the ultimate couch analyst. He gets worse every week. If Zach leveled Goudreau… what would the conversation be?

  9. Kassians own teammates stood there and watched because they know he can handle himself, tkachuks stood there and watched because they knew it was a battle he picked and hes dealing with the consequences

  10. on both hits, they were intentional hits from a player not in the play. On second hit, Tkachuk, took 5 strides targeting player, who was already being checked. Boarding i'd say.

  11. Normally I appreciate Sid’s opinions, but he clearly left his feet and hit Kassian in the head. Not only that, he took 4 complete strides leading up to the hit. At the very least it’s charging. But, again, he also left his feet and hit a vulnerable player in the head who was obviously engaged with another player. If that is a legal hit, then the NHL has taken a step backwards in terms of player safety. This will open a can of worms where players are going to target a key player on another team who is skating in a similar situation. It’s going to be Grand Central Station, with all tracks meeting in the same spot. At least until a couple of star players get injured from similar hits.

  12. All I can say is my helmet has been knocked off only once from a hit that wasn't to the head. Dude had his eggs scrambled on the first hit, look at him in the replay. You turn around and do that a second time without so much as a look from an official of course he's gonna swing on him. The bigger problem to me is TK completely singled him out which yeah is hockey I get it, but let's say he did nothing and then TK does it AGAIN and now hes out with a concussion that would be majorly f'd up so Kassian basically took his own action and made sure to let TK know shits not gonna go like that. I think TK was trying to prove a point or something and after the 2nd hit he shoulda known what was coming and defended himself instead of acting like a rag doll and trying to draw a penalty. Even more absurd to me than officials just kinda standing by is the rest of the Oilers who shoulda jumped in there for him.

  13. Do you guys not realize how easily helmets pop off? It’s 1 strap. It doesn’t have to be to his head to cause the helmet to come off. Tim is stupid.

  14. Now they are going to protect Tkachuk. Young punk making it in the big league. The next game Tkachuk will be a target.

  15. You don't know if it was a head shot? Look at the way Kassian's neck flips and flops like a rubber chicken.
    Helmet goes flying off.. and his neck is doing the whiplash thing… and you can say it wasn't a head shot?
    If that was McDavid who took hits like that…. Tkachuk would have been suspended.

  16. looked like two clean hits to me. but, if your going to throw those kind of big hits. kassian, has the right to hit back harder. about time we have some real time hockey.

  17. Tim is right…you come down from the face off circle at full speed. Zach….hold time hockey, good for you!! Yes I am an Oiler fan, Zach is one of my favs!!!!

  18. Sid's logic is a joke. SO Tkachuk can try and hurt people because he's a special player, an entitled little punk. That logic is dangerous and dumb.

  19. No doubt about it, this is good for us in Alberta. Reminds me of the dialogue from Wild Bill Hunter in the 60's. He basically brought upscale hockey to Alberta.

  20. Wow..Sid sometimes ur a dumazz.. don’t miss understand I’ll love to have him on my team..but like Burke said sometimes u need to do ur own dishes..

  21. Is Zack still on cocaine or meth ….cause something wrong when I man has that such streagth

  22. Tim aren't you suppose no bias host.. its so obvious you hate the Flames and Tkuchuk

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