@Calgary Flames

63 is the new 20.

63 is the new 20.

by Comfortable-Ad-7158


  1. One day I dream of a 25000-30000 seat stadium for the Stamps. One day

  2. SomeJerkOddball

    They gotta do what they did in Hamilton. Tear down and rebuild one side at a time on the same site. Time for some covered concourses, shade for the North side and more comfortable seats. The Stamps and Fans deserve better! Do it!

    Also, whatever happened to the Fieldhouse we were supposed to get?

    Also also, CSE should launch a soccer team so that Calgary can have an intra-city derby with the Cavalry since hell will freeze over before we ever see two hockey teams compete against one another in the same league.

  3. I really feel like we’d be able to constantly sell out or nearly sell out stamps games if ownership made it clear that they care about the stamps and cfl. If they can do it in Winnipeg and Sask we can do it here.

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