@Edmonton Oilers

RAW | Stan Bowman, Jeff Jackson 07.24.24

Stan and Jeff address the media as the Oilers announce Bowman as the 11th General Manager in franchise history.


  1. Even if this dude was the rainman of GM’s (he’s not and on par with Holland) this would still be messed up.

    I don’t get it, Jackson already did 80% of the work so why take this gamble and tarnish your reputation in the process for something that wasn’t needed.

    Also, JJ – if it’s true you didn’t consult the players (which I highly doubt is true), think this was a good idea with one of your superstars needing an extension….?

  2. 14:04 “I have to respect the fan’s opinions.” Then why turn your twitter on private before announcing the hire? lol

  3. Jeff would been better, or even Gretzky. I don't know much about this guy, but from what I see, doesn't seem great. But with what he said about the charter thing that's a good step in the right direction

    Hopefully he doesn't mess up the team, like people said he did with other teams. I only started watching hockey this padt year in January other then that I didn't watch or pay a lot attention other then in restaurants. Been a oilers fan since grade 4 in 07, so I hope after almost winning the cup this past playoffs the team can continue to be a great team that they are. Go oilers looking forward to October, lets get back to those Stanley cup finals and bring it home.

  4. Bowman! As an Oilers fan this breaks my heart. We have the best fans in the world, as a reward we are stuck with this heartless monster that covered up and protected a sexual predator, allowing them to offend again and again. Until this man is fired, my wallet and support are shut off to this organization. I'm not watching a single game, buying a single jersey, or supporting them publicly in any way. Some principles cannot be compromised, and I will never support those that allow young men to be assaulted by protecting the predator.

  5. Kind of seemed like Bowman forgot Jeff Jackson's name. During his opening comments he kept referring to Jackson as "he" and "the guy to my left here"

  6. This is really a big own-goal by Jackson. Bowman may have repented for his terrible actions and behaviour in Chicago, but that doesn't mean he deserves the GM job in Edmonton. There are many candidates just as qualified and even more deserving of this prime position. This is the old boys' network at its worst. Stan was only the GM of the Blackhawks because his daddy handed it to him. If this is about giving 2nd chances, then he should have been re-hired by Chicago instead. He's baggage that the Oilers don't need, and don't have any reason to take on.

  7. What a joke. This man helped cover up sexual assault on a minor and he deserves a second chance? I would NEVER give someone like this a second chance. Call me a "fair-weather-fan," but i ain't supporting this team while this guy is GM.

  8. If i was mcjesus and driasitle I would be worried !!!😮 What if they don't aighn back in Edmonton now that this has happened. What if !

  9. On a human level, I appreciate that Stan has began taking steps to make amends for the awful thing he's done. I believe that he is genuinely remorseful, but it sets a bad precedent for the league that the first job he gets after the scandal is managing another NHL team. And even with that aside, I don't believe he was the best choice for the job—or at least, not strong enough to pick him over other qualified candidates.

    It just goes to show that ownership takes for granted the loyalty of the fan base and doesn't care how alienating this decision will be, because they know ticket and merch sales won't drop.

  10. Out of all of the candidates they had to pick Bowman? Whenever it looks like the Oilers are turning the corner they fall flat on their face lol

  11. People make mistakes, big mistakes which should condemn them. There are a lot who feel that the condemnation of individuals should finalize their lives. On the other hand where are the people that can forgive and for get our past. Remember we all make mistakes in life. I have made many, I also felt bad , remorse and hoped for forgiveness. Was it right no. Is there a lesson to be learned. Yes.
    Looking forward to a awesome season . Let's Go Oiler's

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