@Edmonton Oilers

Initial thought’s on the Oilers hiring Stan Bowman

Former Oiler Joaquin Gage joined Dustin Nielson to discuss the Edmonton Oilers’ newest General Manager Stan Bowman.

What do you think about the hiring? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. The thing that really bothers me is that Bowman hasn't accomplished anything in the NHL. He inherited an amazing Blackhawks team that won a few cups and he arguably made them a worse team over the years after that. I don't care about whatever happened in Chicago to cause him to be kicked out of the NHL. That's in the past, but seriously his actual GM track record blows more nuts than Jenna Jameson in her prime.

  2. Publicly, Jackson would have to say that he hadn’t talked to the Oilers’ key players. McDavid wouldn’t be comfortable with the perception that he’s running management. I think there were some conversations between Jackson and key players about it, after some due diligence by Jackson to vet Bowman’s progress since Chicago. Did I like the choice? Not really. Do I believe that Jackson has the team’s best interest at heart? Yes.
    We can’t go from looking at Jackson like a genius for the trades he made and then question everything based on this hiring.
    When the Evander Kane situation was happening, the fans were very divided about the prospect of having such a “controversial “ player on the team. We will have to see. Maybe the public pressure will be too much.

  3. If Jackson believes that Bowman is the best candidate available and that Bowman is sincere in making amends, then not making this move because of controversy would be weak. Real leaders make tough decisions that they believe are the best choice, even in the face of controversy. If Sheldon Kennedy endorses it, why can't Oiler fans? Life is complex. Craig MacTavish was hired in a controversial move and was Mr. Oiler's player, coach, and GM. It created incredible loyalty and effort in C.M.

  4. As a Flames fan, I am hoping for all the best for the Oilers with this move. It doesn't make much sense to me, but really the Oilers fans really deserve the best.

  5. You Darn tootin this was a great hire 👍, Scotty Bowman has never lost a Stanley Cup! Bunch of Edmonton media goody 2 shoes 👞 interrogated Evander Kane upon arrival in Edmonton as well,

  6. Craig MacTavish KILLED a person in 1984 and was charged with VEHICULAR HOMICIDE under a DUI. He was charged and convicted. Upon release from prison, the Edmonton Oilers gave him a 2nd chance and he contributed immensely to the teams success..just sayin….

  7. At the very least, this adds an unneeded narrative on an extremely sensitive subject. At the worst, this is the beginning of the end. The truth is somewhere in the middle and ultimately the players will decide if this was a good move or not. It's really cup or bust now.

  8. Ok so hear me out.i believe everyone deserves a second chance is life, as life can be a bitch at times. Yes I do believe this was a very bad hire after seeing what JJ was doing the last couples weeks on his own but IMO He didn’t need to rush into this and I believe that Bowman should’ve gotten a roll for at least one year in the minors or some sort assistant to the GM position before getting the keys to best “oiled” machine there is.

  9. I'd hate to see the worst option if this was the best GM they could find. Every parent of a prospect drafted by the Oilers is going to be looking at this team differently after this.

  10. Second chance was even given to kassian to Kane to Perry now bowmen it’s all good will see how look but important things is we have good team well coached that all matters

  11. Oilers fan here and I'd like to respectfully say, "Fuck The Oilers! and in particular Jeff Jackson!". I'm out, I sent my responses to the team and if Bowman stays, I'm becoming a Canucks fan. Jeff can stay a coward and keep his social media turned off but I'm not going to put my head in the sand. Despicable and morally corrupt decision for a guy that without harbouring rapists, is still a bad decision.

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