@Calgary Flames

Cassie does not approve of this signing

Cassie does not approve of this signing

by elonmusketeer604


  1. She’ll still find a way to shoehorn in McDavid on every sentence

  2. inmontibus-adflumen

    At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised

  3. raspoutine049

    I repeat. Our sub has the best meme game. Keep injecting these in to my veins.

  4. cannedsmarties

    Seems the guys on the Oilers sub are out in full force today already talking about how everyone is “overreacting” about the Bowman hire and how his role in the situation “actually wasn’t as bad as everyone says.” Etc. already bending over backwards to justify this hire. As a Panthers fan born in Calgary, fuck these enablers let’s beat em again.

  5. Caveman_man

    I heard they were hiring Dr Disrespect and Ava Kris Tyson to lead the charge into kids programs

  6. monstermash420

    And introducing the new coach, Bill Cosby!

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