@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers Name Stan Bowman as General Manager | Fan Reaction and Discussion

No words. Fans deserve better. #oilers #nhl

0:00 – General Thoughts
5:30 – Future of the Channel

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  1. UPDATE: I have made my first donation to SACE and if you would like to contribute you can also do so here:

    I talked about it briefly in my video today but as a #LetsGoOilers fan and content creator I feel I need to use my voice and platform to do something about the Bo*man hiring. I don't have specifics yet but I am planning on donating a percentage of my ad revenue on YouTube every month to organizations that help victims of assault and abuse. I'll be researching local ones in Edmonton and surrounding areas and take feedback and input from the community.

    I can't in good conscience continue to make Oilers videos and not do something to help the community.

  2. as a newer hockey fan, can you go over what exactly happened in the kyle beach situation?

  3. I cannot believe how much criticism Oilers jams come under. It’s ridiculous. People have to understand you hire different people for different jobs. Based on their individual skills said. If you were in a rebuilding phase, you hire a GM that’s good at rebuilding if you’re in a winning phase you hire a GM that’s good at well winning. Ken, Holland and Stan Bowman fit that molt. Evidence for Ken Holland being a good GM is that well One conference final one Stanley Cup final. Not that bad I would say. There is more to being GM than drafting and trading prospects. And as far as the draft is concerned, Jeff Jackson already has his guy in place there anyways. The guy was given a punishment. He served his punishment.every adult in this world has to make a living. Obviously, if he messes up again, that’s it for him at hockey. All these people wanting punishments to go on forever at infinite don’t have a lot of sympathy mercy or forgiveness.

  4. This is just, a massive heartbreaker for me. I've always loved the Oilers but I really started watching hockey 2 years ago, watched every game I could, listened on the radio, followed the news, and just absolutely fell in love with this team and the sport itself but, this move shows a lot of the dark side of the sport, and how little stuff like this is talked about. This hiring is probably ending my time as an Oilers fan and that just sucks because the players are great and i'll always love the players but i just cant support a team that hires Stan Bowman, its an insanely bad move as a PR move and as a Hockey move.

    As for what you and other content creators can do, don't let this slip through the cracks, and don't stop the pressure on the org for making things right.

  5. Being an Oilers fan has been an exercise in futility and disappointment. Changes can still potentially be made, but this team has gone a long way in losing the trust/faith of their fan base.

    Their “thing” seems to be second changes and reclamation projects, but why does the organization do this so frequently in the brief window they have with possibly the greatest duo in hockey right now?

    Just disheartening.

  6. Think we incredibly LOYAL Edmonton Oiler fans shud DEMAND our money back for at least first game….and NOT attend a game until which time that SOB has been fired and escorted/flown DIRECTLY….out of our precious city!!!!!😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🛑🤬😡🤬😡

  7. This is perfect. The only candidate worse than bowman was Jim Benning. I am glad the Oilers again showed their lack of class by picking the NHL's #1 nepo baby, Stan Bowman.

    The oilers have the pseudo pedo/sex assaulter owner, Evander Kane, Corey Perry. All they need to do now is get Mike Ribeiro out of retirement to coach their power play.

  8. Blackhawks should have been fined $30m and lost 4 first rounders for how the organization enabled a sexual predator.

  9. Give the guy a chance. He’s accepted responsibility, he’s taken the right steps, he’s being supported by Kennedy, he’s taken steps to reconcile with Beech, and he has allot to prove to the oilers fan base which as we know he will show by re signing LD.

  10. How are the oilers going to build young players with this guy? lol selling the entire future down the drain for what?

  11. All I can do is pray this doesn't interfere with them winning a Cup, because if they're not hoisting it at the end of next season the fanbase will get UGLY
    I mean WOW this is beyond insanity 4D chess

  12. Ummmm, my heart absolutely dropped. Thought this was a joke at first. Oh my fucking lord. After those signings? WTF? McDavid has to leave. They're not going to support him. Fucking ridiculous.

  13. First I'd like start by saying I like your content and I'm a HUGE CANUCKS fan lol but you are more level headed then lots of canuck and oiler fans. I agree with you it's a bad highering for any NHL team honestly I don't think he should work in any level of hockey again. I think a highering like this makes an Organization look really really really bad to people, I hope they correct it and I'd like to offer my empathy to oiler fans. This highering isn't your fault or the players fault.


  15. if management wanted to make their fanbase mad they certainly have done that. Stan Bowman shouldnt be in hockey anywhere in the league. He should donate his salary to Ryan Beach forever. He ruined a young mans life. Does he not realize what he has done? Pathetic and the oilers should not be in any way encouraging this man

  16. This is a sure way for Oilers to lose both Drai and McD. When you see similar patterns of bad decisions over the course of time, it's usually the ownership that allows this type of bad decision making to continue over long periods of time. The REAL PERSON TO BLAME is DARYL KATZ and his dummy team. It's deserving that Oilers won't win a cup b/c of their poor decision making…. CANCEL KATZ business since he now supports SEXUAL HARRASMENT and SEXUAL ABUSE

  17. As a Nucks fan, this really left a bad taste in my mouth 😬
    Shame for the Oilers, Bettman and the NHL as a whole. I guess accountability only goes a certain distance in the hierarchy.

  18. You're the first person to mention that his letter of recommendation allowed him to go on and molest youth

    It's scary how little that has been mentioned

  19. Wow. Last week when I Google'd "Oilers new GM" it looked like it was gonna be Mark Hunter.

  20. Jeff Jackson is Stan Bowman’s close friend. Old boys club at it again. Both need to be fired and a really clear message sent. Somethings are bigger than hockey

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