@Philadelphia Flyers

[Kurz] Per source, Travis Konecny has a no-move clause for the first six years and a limited no-trade clause for the final two of the new contract

[Kurz] Per source, Travis Konecny has a no-move clause for the first six years and a limited no-trade clause for the final two of the new contract

by StubbornLeech07


  1. CIearSights

    Briere thinking ahead, better than recent GMs…

  2. Sea-Ad5375

    If there was one thing we should have learned from the previous regimes, it is DO NOT hand out no movement clauses like candy.


    We just hand out NMC/NTC to everyone here.

  4. fattybacon23

    What’s the difference for us uninformed. No move being can’t be sent down and obv no trade is what it is

  5. That + full 8 years is not great. Whatever. Hes an awesome, exciting player that will help us turn it around faster.

    Now we need a center …

  6. EarthBelcher

    On one hand, I am fucking tired of the no-move clauses. But on the other, nobody was going to be taking that contract off our hands until the end of it anyway.

  7. SanePatrickBateman

    This is pretty standard these days and yet we have everyone acting like we’re fucked because of it lol

  8. DanTreview

    I’m just here to enjoy all the fury the TK-haters are spewing. {grabs popcorn}

  9. Express_Jellyfish_28

    So I am the epitome of a fair weather Flyers fan. Following the team since the early 90’s, was last truly interested in them in 2012, and when they played the Islanders in the second round in the bubble. The team just never goes anywhere and after 30 plus years of being a fan the Flyers take a back seat to the Eagles, Phillies, and Sixers. Honestly I don’t know who Travis Konecny is. An 8 year deal would make me guess that he is good. Is Konecky worth it?

    I know the Flyers are rebuilding and I do like the direction of the team. Michkov seems interesting and makes me want to follow the Flyers more closely. So as a fair weather fan someone please let me know if this Konecny deal is something to be excited about.

    And for those who may want to downvote a long time Flyers fan for being a self-described fair weather fan, follow the team for 30 years without them winning a Stanley Cup and then let me know how you feel.

  10. Strong_Weird_9358

    To be fair, it’s “no movement without his consent”. There are teams he may be interested in moving to one day. Correct me if I’m wrong, Giroux had a no move clause.

    If the flyers are still rebuilding in 3-4 years, I am sure there are some teams TK wouldn’t mind playing for who would give us something for him.

    Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

  11. ThePalmIsle

    This will be as bad as the Couturier contract

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