@Philadelphia Flyers

Travis Konecny spends a lot of time during home game warmups tossing pucks over the net to kids in the front row

Every game I've gone to recently I've noticed one thing before the game starts; TK spends a LOT of time tossing pucks to kids. Like a disproportionate amount of time gathering pucks and strolling around the boards and flipping them up with his stick to fans in the front row.

Is that a big deal? No, not especially. Maybe some jerk can make an argument that if he spent more time warming up maybe he'd be worth the price of his new extension.

But to me, I think it means a lot.


by Everdriver478


  1. I donā€™t necessarily think TKā€™s play is worth the $8.75M AAV, but I do think the intangibles he brings to the team make this a reasonable deal. His ability to get under opponents skin and draw penalties, his willingness to grind out shifts and end a shift in the offensive zone, his leadership traits and ability to set a tone, his community involvement are all hard to find in a player.

    The limited NTC after 6 years is huge because it gives us options when he hits 34 y/o, and the fact that the cap will likely grow $3-5M per year over the next 5 will make this digestible.

    At the end of the day, Iā€™m happy heā€™s playing for us and not against us.

  2. a_toadstool

    Maybe he should spend more time practicing to earn that extension


  3. OldDrumGuy

    ā€œWorking the fansā€ is just as much of a skill as handling the puck on the ice. Heā€™s doing it right.
    TK is just who we need. šŸ§”

  4. PaddyMayonaise

    Man I hope that advertisement patch gets an update. Classes so bad on the orange

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