@Columbus Blue Jackets

Andre The Giant | Best Moments

Best moments from Andre The Giant (2018)



  1. André, the giant is my favorite wrestler of all time. Then I like dick, the bruiser, then rowdy, rowdy, piper, and then hog. I didn’t know that was André in the bionic man episode hope I can see that one day again

  2. It was sad seeing the “ fans” throwing trash at Andre. All the pain he was in and everything he gave to the business. Disgusting. Can’t imagine how he felt.

  3. This match, to think of it, was a joke. Andre was more terrifying in his feud with Inoki in Japan, which was circa 1980. Several stone lighter, Andre could still chase his opponent around the ring! Can you imagine being chased by the Giant? If only Hogan had wrestled Flair or even Harley Race.

  4. You hear about his matches you hear about his drinking but you don’t hear about his family because he was a neglectful father who only lived for himself.

  5. One time Andre the Giant French kissed me in the men’s room at a bar, I looked at him and asked, what kind of bar is this?

  6. It's a huge disservice to Andres legacy and wrestling as a whole to have Hogan commenting on anything you want to honestly represent, because he's 100% of the time only give the version of events that he wants to. Don't forget this is the guy who, depending on his mood, will tell people that WM3 match was a shoot and that he really had to 'beat' Andre. He also says that Andre was legitimately seven foot four and weighed 700lbs,..but of course no one saw that but Hogan, Andre and the airport employee who weighed him.

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