@Edmonton Oilers

All Oilers social media have gained followers since signing Bowman.

All Oilers social media have grown in followers since signing Bowman.

I found this interesting and gives you a good insight into how social media does not give you an accurate representation of the population.

You’d think with this thread being filled with “boycott the oilers”, “unfollowed the Oilers”, “never supporting them again”. You’d see a large decline in followers and support. So I decided to check and noticed that in the last four days.

Instagram followers +658
Twitter followers +240
YouTube subscribers +88

by Setting-Sea


  1. Just proves at minimum half of the people Crying saying im not watching next season are full of shit. just posting for clicks and upvotes lmaooo

  2. TheworkingBroseph


  3. quickboop

    People (and bots) also follow accounts they hate. Wouldn’t read anything in to it.

  4. Hat_Trick_Patrick

    u/LuciusBaggins looks like your post is working 🤣

  5. MercSLSAMG

    This just shows how tiny Reddit is – lots of posts saying how ‘all Oilers fans’ are pushing back (even though not even all on Reddit) when Reddit is 10% the size for Oilers fans when compared to Twitter and Instagram (I don’t know Facebook numbers since I don’t use it).

    Especially for Oilers fans Reddit opinion is pretty much the polar opposite of the general consensus.

  6. Consumer boycotts don’t work. Like ever. You can count on one hand the amount of times they have. Any boycott you want to quote me that was successful is the exception that proves the rule.

    We seem to be moving beyond companies reacting to social media pressure as well. They are much less worried about it. Corporations have come to learn how much power they hold through brand loyalty and lack of competition.

    Musks’ acquisition of Twitter and the fact it has turned into an even more toxic hellscape has actually reduced its influence and power it once had in being able to ‘scare’ corporations (I suspect that was one of his goals).

  7. Probably a bunch of haters following to watch the tire fire this organization has become hiring scumbags.

  8. If social media doesn’t provide an accurate representation of the population then why does this matter? You’re saying social media is bullshit and your evidence is social media.

  9. Loopytunes2016

    Correlating followers with public opinion does not make sense.

  10. TheNationDan

    TYL that controversy brings more viewers to the scene of the crash.

    proves nothing, but your desire to prove your side right is strong.

    Signed guy who runs a large company social media account.

  11. Turbulent_Cheetah

    It’s almost as if large social media accounts gain followers every day

  12. SunAdmirable5187

    I’m guessing alot of people are following because they want to know how this will play out, not in support of Bowman.

  13. Sinaloa187

    The loud social media crowd most likely represents less than 1% of the actual fanbase. Which is why they don’t care.

  14. cyberdipper

    Reddit represents the most triggerable, vitriolic, and unobjective people in our society.

    Barely a single person here has even read the Chicago investigation report, they’re just spouting news headlines they’ve read, extrapolating that Bowman is some pro-rape monstrosity of a person.

  15. KarmaChameleon306

    It’s people wanting to watch a shit-show unfold. Not actual interest in the team.

  16. Saiyakuuu

    First time I’ve ever hoped for the oilers to win the cup, just for the effect it’ll have on these people.

  17. GolfIsGood66

    Reddit is a poor reflection of the public as a whole.

  18. Upstairs-Pitch624

    Look at the bright side, at least we got through an excellent off season and made some good moves before he could have any input.

  19. Striking_Royal_8077

    I think we overestimate the value Reddit has in the real world lol.

  20. TepHoBubba

    Other teams fans joining just so they can pile on the hatred. To be expected.

  21. Impressive_Usual_726

    Sweet! Maybe the Oilers should hire the ghost of Joe Paterno next?

  22. mthrfcknhotrod

    Reddit doesn’t give you an accurate representation of the population either.

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