@Toronto Maple Leafs

What Does A John Tavares Extension Look Like? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde and Jesse Blake discuss the potential John Tavares extension with the Maple Leafs and what they believe that looks like.

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  1. tavares is a bum, terrible leader and captain, no passion, no grit, goes missing in the playoffs, soft, set the bar with his 11 million for everyone else to demand the bag, cut him loose next season, who wants a "team friendly" deal for a 35 year who can't even skate anymore

  2. Id offer him 5mil x 1 year, 4×2, 3×3, and 2×4

    If he wants to stay at a team friendly cap hit, any of those options are reasonable

  3. He is not a leader and a Captain should be. He is a 4 th line player now and when on the PP it always dies on his stick. What do you pay a 4 th liner?

  4. Don't resign him period. Cowan and Minten will both be ready for the show in 25/26.

    You can get a cheaper and more suitable 3rd line C than Tavares going forward.

  5. Tavares had two seasons with the leafa where he cracked 80 points. Hes never had a 90 point season in his career. That contract doomed the leafs, even though now 11 million for a solid 80 point center is a fair deal, it was a over pay by a couple of million when he signed it and the precident it set screwed their entire cap structure. Overpaying a free agent only makes sense when you have your core players signed long term, otherwise you may as well accept your not winning a cup with them there

  6. You guys think JT delivered on his 11million dollar a year deal? He came here to put us over the top to win a cup… he badly, badly failed in that mission. And also his point production would reflect more of a 7-8.5 million dollar player over these last 6 years (not including his very first year with the team). Strongly disagree !

  7. No thanks. Do not resign a guy who has played more playoff games then anyone else and doesnt show up. When they made round 2 he had 8pts. Marner had 14pts. Tavares wasnt worth 11mill per. What a waste of 7 years of cap space.

  8. 100% worth atleast 15 million. Matthews is 20. Marner is 30 and Nylander 200 million. Krhm… go leafs go.

  9. That contract was top 5 when it was signed? I don't think JT ever was a top 5 player. He was above point per game first year, then 3 years below point per game. I think he was overpaid for the whole contract if meassured by what he produced. From other perspective $11m was how the market valued him at the time when he signed the contract. My opinion is that he did not live up to it since he did not produce enough to motivate beeing payed top5-top 9 in the league during the contract.

  10. No, sorry but no.. Leafs have run back year after year with this "core" and nothing has happened. There's been no improvement at all. I think the fan base will be MORE pissed if they extend him. Pelley made it clear ( clear as mud) that there will be change. They're not here to sell jerseys, right? So Matthews and Nylanders new contracts kick in. Marner and JT have no extensions as of now. If you bring one, or even both of them back, then I think people will be pissed. I know I will. Look, nothing against Marner or JT, but this would be the exact definition of insanity. Doing the same thing year after year just hoping something would change, is insane. Especially when you look at other teams in the league doing what they need to do to improve. Sorry, when you have year after year of trying to fill holes in your line up with extremely little cap space, that should tell you something. Now, this season we may have to just deal with both Marner and JT playing out their last year before hitting FA.. sorry, it sucks to let them walk , I'd rather get something for them if they'd waive their NMC's.. even walking into FA, they're still gonna clear up over $21 million in cap space. Will they get back equal players ? No, not likely but whatever JT and Marner "bring" in the playoffs is exactly what's part of the problem. They need a different make up, something that will not only mean regular season success but something to carry them past the 1st round..
    So sorry, but I have zero interest in bringing back Marner or JT.

  11. Actually smoking dope if you think he lived up to that contract, he almost makes as much as Pasta. It’s insane how hard leafs fans need to cope.

  12. 8 years into this saga and you guys are hoping and suggesting these guys all of a sudden start sticking up for themselves? It’s not who they are as individuals or as teammates.

  13. Captain Soft..mutters through every interview..will never fight anyone…does not stand up for teammates…was a liar to previous team…wins one playoff series…who in their right mind would want him as captain? Sorry Jesse you’re way off base ….he’s not Captain material

  14. An ideal contract has a player over-achieve their price in the first 1/3rd of the contract; play at or near the price/value in the middle 1/3rd; then are over-paid for the final 1/3rd. I daresay JT was at/near $11M for the first 2 years, and has under-performed to that price since. Ergo, not a great contract. Not his fault though. This one is on Dubas (like many others).

  15. please let him walk! good player, but he wasn't what we needed at the time of his signing. and here we are, 6 agonizing playoff years later, we are STILL where we were when we signed him. which playoff game did he take over in?

    jesse has been to vancouver and snorted some of that trudeau coke or something! WORST captain ever!! we even had a press conference to announce his captaincy, as if he led the islanders to a bunch of cup finals. have you ever seen him trying to rally his teammates? yell at the bench? ANYTHING with a pulse??!! his robotic demeanor pisses me off so much!!

  16. I predict a MASSIVE drop-off this year, wouldn't pay more than 2 million per on a 2 year deal. And probably wouldn't even give the 2 years. He just can't skate, that's a problem.

  17. Roll it back.

    You guys are clowns.

    You, Toronto, and the Leafs will get what they deserve.

    You get clicks.

    Leafs make money.

    The REAL FANS lose.

  18. Oh and if you pay a scrony winger who can’t take a face of or go to the net over 9.5. Plenty for mariner. That’s your fault, way over paid nylander too

  19. If John continues to play after this year it may well not be with the L:eafs. He has been there and done that without team playoff success.

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