@Edmonton Oilers

SIT DOWN WITH STAUFF | Stan Bowman Trailer

Bob Stauffer has an in-depth conversation with newly-appointed Oilers General Manager and Executive Vice President of Hockey Operations Stan Bowman. Now streaming on


  1. He has no place in this organisation. I have cancelled all my oilers related subscriptions, and donโ€™t intend to engage with the organisation for quite some time. Iโ€™ll be voting with my wallet. This organisation should know better than to hire someone of this type. Shame on them.

  2. All of the BeachTard SJWs crying about the Stan the man Bowman like a broken record should take their business to Cowtown and cheer for the fLames ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ we wonโ€™t miss let alone remember them. True Oiler fans stand by oil country no matter what! Screw the cry baby woke softies. Get us a cup Stan LETS GO OILERS

  3. Edmonton Oilers will win 2025, 2026 and 2027 Stanley Cup thanks to Bow-Manโ€™s help, I feel sad for Calgary and Vancouver having to watch this happen but it was inevitable.

  4. From every aspect whether morally, ethically, or past job performance there is no reason we should have hired him. The Oilers have lost me as a fan

  5. One mistake in judgement, yes an error, but that was not ceated by him, it was not dealt with quickly in Chicago and agree that was an error, bringing the abuse forward immediately is a mistake, and I agree he was dismissed, took a lot of training on the exact issue he did not deal with immediately – I would suggest this is now a person whom would watch for any abuse or odd behaviour and would deal with it immediately.

    The world is made up of many that failed at something and learned then became better.

    He is already hired, I suspect Jeff Jackson is aware some may not like him hiring Bowman and did it anyhow.

    We the fans have historically had little say on managing hockey players or people personnel around the team.

    That has not changed, so what is our option, trust the President and CEO'S choice, he made anyhow, knowing some fans would react negatively and accept the new GM – or keep a negative mindset towards a team that has a great chance of going all the way again and possibly winning it – dont think keeping a negative mindset makes much sense at all.
    Cheer on and have faith in the decisions made

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