@Calgary Flames

Flames Sig Wolf 2 x $850,000

Flames Sig Wolf 2 x $850,000

by dwaterloo16


  1. FLPanthersfan

    Does this make Wolf an RFA in two years a a UFA?

  2. Perfect deal! Gives him a chance to get a big payday in 2 years if he’s lights out and still under team control at that point

  3. Somethingdifferent3

    Hell yea coming from a legit source! I love PP

  4. Great deal – give Wolf a bit of a raise and security while still allowing enough time for him to prove himself as an NHL starter before his next, no doubt much heftier, contract.

  5. Makes sense. Hope he earns himself a big contract in 2 years. Might suck for the rebuild but I would love to see Wolf be amazing on a regular basis.

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