@Calgary Flames

WOKE Olympics PANIC! DELETES Opening Ceremony MOCKING Jesus as MAJOR advertiser PULLS OUT!

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  1. DISGUSTING ….. i mean kids watch the games … blood pouring down buildings?
    its not just a spit in the face to christians its a spit in the face to women .. is anyone talking about that .. men in beards playing woman-face and a decapitated queen …. men publically having sex … its a violation against women.

  2. Olympics are political garbage for the first time I will not even watch 1 second of the Olympics, happily I did not tune into the opening whatever it was, an episode of some woke striptease show in very bad taste maybe.
    Olympics represent nobody who is decent, I am not a Christian but all people of all faiths should turn their backs on France and the Olympic organizers.

  3. Bless you my friend! Thank God that people are standing up for Christianity; even non-Christian people and people from other faiths are appalled. I cannot understand this need for "wokeness". Why do people have to "identify" as something. Why can people just not be who they are ? Do you see rocks trying to be trees or trees trying to be flowers? God must be so insulted. That being said, if they have to be woke, then be woke, but why on earth must this be rammed down our throats? Truly this committee have disgraced their country.

  4. The scene is NOT a reference at all to the Last Supper. Rather, the performance is a nod to a pagan celebration featuring Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, wine and revelry.

  5. It is to late to delete the Shameful Opening of the Olympics. Disgrace to the people of France and others. Enough is Enough.!!!! So much Filth!!!!. Olmypics are for Sports. Not to pass Woke or inclusive.Everything has its place. You do not Mock God and think you Are going to get away with it. Such indecency, Filth, Disgrace. What you sow you reap. You Disgrace France and its people. Apology Not Accepted. It was a Hipocrisy.Delegations should Leave. Boycott. Not Worth seeing. It is a Disgrace.

  6. They obviously don’t learn from the bud-light situation, the mass majority doesn’t want that pushed in to their faces and mocking Jesus is not good!
    The Olympics is getting what they deserved for that last supper mockery
    Praise Jesus 🙏🏽

  7. I have friends living in Paris. They tell me that French culture is being eroded by migrants who now comprise a very large % of the population. The old Paris is no longer what it was. sad.

  8. I will not watch anything of the Olympics . More ,please someone put here and spread over Facebook and other media the list of sponsors . Coca cola is done for me k there are other coques …

  9. The Olympic committee should be ashamed and who ever took part in this mocking of God should remember you will stand before him to be judged

  10. People already downloaded and archived the video so deleting it of their social media accounts is pointless doing things like this is only showing admissions of cowardice and guilt by doing it.

  11. Search Olympics opening ceremony 2024 here on YouTube. It’s 2 minutes long and the “last supper drag show” gets a real quick view

  12. Tell me the percentage that something you didn't agree with compared to the rest of the opening ceremony

  13. I’m truly shocked and saddened at the arrogance, conceit and total uneducated response to this. It had NOTHING to do with Christianity or the Last Supper! It was referencing Greek mythology! Educate yourselves! I am Christian & I am so embarrassed at the self importance of a group of people trying to make themselves victims because everything’s about them, right? No other cultures matter, right? Less than 1/3 of the world religion is Christianity but everything must be about them, even Frances history or the Olympics which is based on Greek origins.

  14. Ok..i am a Christian and am not surprised this was done. However they were recreating a Bachanalia festival for Bacchus. He was the god of reveling and licentious living. Soo…

  15. Good for you if you are not watching Olympics (exercising your passive resistance). Next you need to do ACTIVE resistance by CANCELLING your cable subscription. By paying your monthly cable bill you are paying and endorsing the networks who are polluting our eyes and ears with their unhealthy filth. Get a Roku stick and watch independent journalists on your wifi.

  16. And you think all French have approved ? This was made by a bunch of wokists Parisian living in the Marais district this is not seriously the French population

  17. I feel bad for the athletes who are the real victims here, not the French people. They’ve worked so hard for so many years to make it to the Olympics and thanks to the French…y’all have ruined it for them.
    They won’t learn because they are spiritually blinded.

  18. How do the athletes even factor into this? They didn't create the opening. Stop all the fake pearl clutching and enjoy the competition that they've spent their lives prepping for. It's just not that big a deal…check Dionisy in Greek Mythology…that's what that was about. Was it a positive tableau ? No it was a pooch screw but we need to move on to watching the athletes …that's what it's all about…..

  19. I read the “apologetic” statement by the lady from Paris Olympic organization. Wow, my interpretation of her statement is: we achieved what we wanted to achieve-inclusion, woke- if you guys felt offended, sorry. The meaning behind it is, if you felt offended, then that is your problem, suck it up.

  20. This is not only mocking Jesus and Christianity but this is larger problem related to global “ natural morality”. and disgusting immorality…

  21. Some of the sports should be banned, too. Let's look at the biological male boxing a biological female. That's a disaster! Apparently the polluted Seeing River can't be utilized for the triathlon swimming event. This whole thing is a joke!

  22. Thank you for the info, I did not know they deleted the video on the blasphemous ceremony….God's wrath will fall down on france

  23. It is a shameful that the woke culture is here the lead…it is a insult to all the women…I do not watch that hypocrite world…it is a insult to the women….and sorry, why did California did accepted the woke law…..this is the start…women will never be save again…when a guy claims he is a women, he has the right to being in a lady’s dress room…insane…insane ..why most always the women paying the highest price…we still living in a man’s world……

  24. Nothing effects you can perform dirty on stage but Billions of people know the eternal love of Jesus and He is in the hearts of Billions people love as they love themselves

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