@National Hockey League

Ovechkin reveals his post-game beer drinking habit

Ovechkin reveals his post-game beer drinking habit

by Only-Reels


  1. octoroklobstah

    If you like light beer then I’d argue that you do not, in fact, like the taste of beer.

  2. DrDrangleBrungis

    Why is this news? I just think all players have a drink if they want to.

  3. Ovi talking like he’s a Supreme Court justice.

  4. Ovi so good that the NHL are his beer league games.

  5. Flux_resistor

    The man openly supports Putin and his agenda, who gives a shit what he drinks?

  6. nickkkk777

    To be in peak athletic form like ovi I will start drinking 3 beers after work every day

  7. and this is news why? It’s literally been a thing in the NHL for eons… since basically inception?

  8. EweCantTouchThis

    Crosby does the same thing, but prefers wine coolers.




  10. The_Wata_Boy

    My neighbor has done this everyday after work for 40 years. Dude is savage and the beer is his reward for a hard days work.

  11. fatwhistleporker

    I used to played handball with a group of German guys who legitimately thought after practice/game beers were an important part of athletic recovery. Like it balanced out their electrolytes or something.

  12. “Win or lose, we drink the booze.” -traditional NHL players’ slogan

  13. Probably helps with the come down from the Russian Gas also.

  14. whatisapillarman

    Imagine a victory beer after an NHL hatty

  15. No_Text2460

    I like Ovi, just wish he didn’t support Putin

  16. CannonballJenkinz

    I remember watching an all access type show on nhl refs and them dudes had a cooler in the refs room waiting for after the game

  17. williamfbuckleyjrjr

    “I liked beer, I still like beer”

  18. CauliflowerWarm4165

    This is good news, now I feel better about drinking hella beers after my beer league games

  19. amateurexpertboxing

    We all knew it, but confirming it is awesome.

  20. I’m now convinced he was pregaming early in the season and in the playoffs. Maybe Kuch did, too, for the All Star skills competition.

  21. I stopped drinking and my performance at the gym and overall cardio has skyrocketed. I can’t imagine how much better Ovie would be if he didn’t drink. And he’s playing at the top of the league where a 5% performance boost means everything.

  22. IllIllllIIIIlIlIlIlI

    Haha the guy who wants the Ukrainians genocided likes beer haha

  23. LegalAmerican1776

    It’s so nice living a life that doesn’t have to revolve around beer

  24. Masterlathers

    If you don’t think most NHLers are having pints after games. You never played hockey past 18.

  25. Gimli-Painter

    Plenty of hockey players in their 30s drink a few beers after the game. They just have to pay to play 😎

  26. fonzalonz

    The Mavs lost the championship to the Celtics bc Michael Finley refused to let Luka have his post game beer after they won the Western Conference finals.

    And there’s no proof this isn’t why

  27. Routine-Budget7356

    Back in the days it used to be cocaine.

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