@Toronto Maple Leafs

Report: Bettman ‘scrutinizing’ Leafs’ contract for violating CBA rules

Report: Bettman ‘scrutinizing’ Leafs’ contract for violating CBA rules

by bornagain19


  1. bornagain19

    Unserious mickey mouse league

    I think we all knew deep down that when the Leafs tried to do the same thing several other teams have been doing for years the league would finally start to care

  2. staticbomber_

    Bettman huffs farts he can take his green goblin looking ass straight to the retirement home

  3. Of course when the Leafs use loopholes the scrutiny happens

  4. Musclecar123

    Someone gonna have a look at Vegas? 

    The Leafs may have Robidas Island, but the Knights have built a Robidas Casino & Resort. 

  5. He’ll be 40 when the contract ends, not 85. The Leafs literally had a 40 year old on their roster last year.

    Edit: This might just be blogspam clickbait. The article cites an article from Jim Parsons. Unless he’s written something else recently, [this article]( from Parsons yesterday about Tanev’s contract and LTIR doesn’t say a single thing about Bettman “scrutinizing” the contract. In fact, Parsons explicitly says that even if the league looked at changing LTIR rules (which he says is unlikely) it likely wouldn’t have anything to do with Tanev’s contract.

  6. ohnowwhat

    Seriously, that is an issue? How about we look at the likes of Kucherov or even better yet Mark Stone who gets injured at some point in the season and comes back to life Undertaker-like right for playoffs to start. If that is not detrimental to the league, I don’t know what is…

  7. Impossible-Tie-864

    So they want to keep all injured players salaries on the cap? No more LTIR relief at all…? What happens if a franchise star like Mackinnon has a career ending injury? The Avs are $14 million short for 8 years and just forced to suck?

  8. So the NHL will have to prove that a veteran, injury-ravaged player isn’t injured enough for LTIR… that’s going to be hilarious.

  9. DontToewsM3Bro

    It’s only bad when a Canadian team does it eh 🤔

  10. thewolfshead

    Nowhere in the link posted, or in the sources the link cites, does it say Bettman is scrutinizing this contract. 

  11. Thaddeus0607

    This is just all headlines. It’s a legal contract. The short fuck can’t do shit

  12. This from a league that institutes a Salary Cap that is supposed to create an “even playing field” for all teams, but doesn’t bother to account for taxation across states and countries.

  13. Fortuitous_Event

    Someone please explain the Shea Webber contract to me then.

    One set of rules for the Leafs, one set of rules for everyone else.

  14. So basically if you want a loophole closed in the NHL, get the Leafs to take advantage of it.

  15. Ambitious_Cake2447

    remember when dubas allowed leaf players to use the facilities in the off-season, then gary decided that wasn’t allowed because other teams complained that the leafs were using their facilities in the off-season.

    glad gary still has our franchise under a microscope 🙄

  16. nogoodnamesleft47

    And yet Vegas keeps giving Mark Stone some miracle elixir to be ready to go by playoffs every year. Sure, Gary.

  17. trevlarrr

    So this is just an opinion piece saying the league might look at closing the LTIR loophole and if they do then Tanev’s contract is one that might be affected… so Bettman isn’t looking in to shit with the Leafs then! Go away with this rage-bait crap!

  18. justxforxthis

    Can’t wait for a league that can’t even solve basic problems to start undertaking some form of bizarre actuarial analysis to assess the feasibility of a given player staying healthy for the majority of their contract.

  19. DarkAgeMonks

    We’re not even “The Real NHL” so why does it matter?

  20. []( posts a ton of clickbait. This specific article is pure speculation about something that might happen a few years from now. There is zero substance.

  21. SilentThing

    It’s obviously a risky signing and the point is to LTIR him or whatever. But how do they plan on scrutinising this objectively? Let’s say the rumoured 8 year, 3 mil AAV deal between Stamkos and Tampa had gone through, would they be on that?

    Yes, teams do this. If they start on it now, please keep it consistent at least.

    And I’m a Bruins fan, I don’t generally rush in to defend the Leafs.

  22. LittleKinger

    Doesn’t say anything about what Bettman actually said. Sounds like a fluff article.

    Everyone in the league does it, they just need to change salary cap for the playoffs. Make it count and no more Stone/Kucherov moves

  23. bangnburn

    A loophole in the CA is being abused and I need to make an example out of someone. Should I

    1) Make an example out of my pet project team that has openly used the loophole multiple years in a row, or

    2) Make an example out of the Leafs who maybe are planning to use the same loophole 4 years from now

  24. IMO this is all for show. Leafs are a cash cow for the league.

  25. Mulder1562

    When it’s the Leafs they look into it. How about you look at the freaking state income tax bullshit. 4 of the last 5 cup winners had that “advantage”.

  26. moebuttermaker

    I’m sorry, but the way this article says “…maybe three” is fucking ridiculous. There’s no way they’re expecting him to play under four years. He was being offered 4-5 years by everyone. They’re a contending team, and if he were to go on LTIR, or even just decline hard, after a year or two, even with him (kinda sorta) off the books, they’d be fucked the same way they’ve been the last couple years without Muzzin, except he’s harder to replace because he shoots right.

  27. whatmepolo

    It’s like the woman’s soccer team cheating scandal. Going after Canada is the easiest way politically to call out people breaking the rules. What are we going to do about it?

  28. captainbelvedere

    Ah, the impartiality of the NHL. Like when Vancouver was the only team penalized for cap manipulation.

  29. dynozombie

    Oh ya, how bout Vegas or Tampa?

    We have the guy who made the cap and knows the rules.

  30. demential

    So basically Gerry is threatening that the leafs are ‘planning” to violate the rules of the CBA(or the spirit of the rule, since there seems to be unlimited loopholes) and that he’s gonna bitch slap us if tanev gets injured.

    There won’t be a whisper about any of the other contracts or players that are set up the same way that play for other teams, I guarantee it.

  31. icheerforvillains

    Did the league say anything when Letang was resigned at the very same age for the very same length as Tanev? Letang, who has had a myriad of injuries over his career? No? Oh, ok.

    If the league wants to close this perceived loophole, they can do that in the next CBA bargaining. It’d probably be as easy as applying similar rules to LTIR as they do to retirement when a player is over 35.

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