@Tampa Bay Lightning

Auston Matthews charging on Mikhail Sergachev: Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Auston Matthews launched into this hit from behind to Mikhail Sergachev. It was literally right in front of an official and there was no call on the play.


  1. If he got any amount of suspension, Toronto would riot. It was a dirty hit too. You could see he was frustrated in his stupid facial expression after the hit. I hope Toronto chokes again.

  2. Keep in mind 5 games isnโ€™t what I think the DOPS will do or even what I think they should do. My account focuses on what I would do if I were running my own league with my own set of established standards. This is a dirty hit that should never have happened but in the real NHL itโ€™s routinely not even called a minor penalty, much like this one.

  3. This is a joke right? If Matthews got anything for this, it would even more prove the DOPS is run by braindead idiots. 98 saw the hit coming, he was finishing his check. 5 games? What kind of good stuff are you smoking bro? Playoff hockey, playoff hit.

  4. This is the NHL playoffs. Hitting is allowed and everybody else likes watching them hit hard but you. Everyone is horny for player safety these days for no reason Sergachev was completely fine.

  5. Unfortunately this is par for the course for this garbage, classless organization. Can't wait to watch them choke this one away.

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