@Toronto Maple Leafs

LISTEN: Islanders fans are angry over the departure of John Tavares

New York Islanders fans give their reactions to the news of John Tavares signing with the Toronto Maple Leafs.


  1. The Islanders are a 3rd world organization with no home rink. Even my men’s league team has a home rink lol. I’m not surprised one bit that he wanted to change his seat from flying coach near the bathrooms to sipping champagne in first class ✈️

  2. Don't understand why NYI fans are upset. They knew JT met with 5 other teams last week. They still thought he was going to stay?

  3. Wow, so many cry babies in NY… players come, players go. Happens to all teams in sports… not the first time this has happened and won't be the last… quit your crying you bunch of cry babies… he played very well for your team, be thankful for that…

  4. JT handled it perfectly fine. He didn't squash a trade, he didn't ask not to be traded, Garth Snow told him he wasn't being traded. He was committed to the Islanders, and despite what some people will try to claim, he didn't know he was going to leave nor did he know it'd be Toronto. Islanders management is to blame for this situation, not Tavares. He did what many superstars in a bad situation would do; he explored options. Unfortunately for the Isles and their fans, he liked what he saw enough to make the decision to leave NY behind. If you watched or listened to even a tiny bit of the coverage of his signing with the Leafs it should be obvious how this decision pained him. However much it stings right now, it's hard to fault him for doing what he felt was right for himself, his career and his family.

  5. Cry me a river. Perhaps Tavares wanted to play for a team that wasn't a doormat since forever.

  6. Islanders will be better than ever in 2021 when they get pride in a new building to play in. Belmont Horseracing track saw the best horses like Secretariat. And we have celebrities like Amy and Joey. So piss off disbelievers , Isles will rule like 1992 again soon!!

  7. Islanders fans Arnt pissed we have the kid who won the Calder who scored a hat trick first game against Toronto and in general this year we are just a better team👍🏻👍🏻

  8. This is kinda funny to watch. As an islanders fan, i didnt care since it was announced. JT has every right to leave. Garth Snow refused to trade him. We could've gotta something great in return. But he wants to live dream and my team is in first place so i dont care. We just ran out of time, alot of time.

  9. How are the isles a joke they made it to the playoffs and have been more successful then Toronto in the past 3 years

  10. The lies he told were disgraceful. He begged not to be traded. Only to leave. If he didn't lie and said get what you can for me. I would respect that. But to say I didn't want the team I was going to be weakened on a trade.that showed how classless and calculated he is. Thank God he went to TORONTO he's not what he is he getting older and older.leafs will not win for many years as long as they put offense over goal tending and defense.he screwed his friends his coach and his owner and the fans who adored him.. He had every right to leave he just did it like plays soft

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