@Montreal Canadiens

Habs relinquish rights to Rhett Pitlick

Once we were rich in Pitlicks, now the well has finally run dry. Like Tyler and Rem before him, Rhett has moved on from the Montreal Canadiens.

by Nodicemtg


  1. dadoudelidou

    We went from all the Pitlick to no Pitlick..

  2. ImAshamedOfAllOfYou

    It was a veritable potluck of Pitlicks for a few years, but alas…

  3. Whiskeylung

    How many pits could a Pitlick lick, if a Pitlick could lick pits?

    It is sad. Like you said we had all the Picklicks, a potluck of Pitlicks but now our potluck of Pitlicks has run dry.

  4. oh man I miss Rem Pitlick forgot about him for a sec

  5. HotHuckleberry8904

    You can not have your Pitlick and lick it, too.

  6. bcgrappler

    I think the problem was that we wanted to try a pitlick.

    Didn’t know what it would be like, we flirted with the idea and then went all in rather suddenly.

    After a short spirt we realized if you have had 1 pitlick you have had them all and there better as an idea then anything more than that.

    And so ends our time as pitlickers.

  7. End of an era, no longer shall the pits be lick’d

  8. Spicy_Pickle_6

    I’m here for all the puns guys. Well done

  9. Some families just have more talent than others.

  10. Sad day when even the pits of licks can’t be enough /s

  11. So there’s only Caufield, Struble and RHP left in the org from the 2019 draft.

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