@Pittsburgh Penguins

Any minute now.

Any minute now.

by DogAndBroom


  1. Formal_Two_5747

    Do people really think he’s gonna leave? There’s no chance in hell of that happening.

  2. -ThaKloned-

    Fear not! He will sign at 8:70am today. I can feel it!

  3. Jump_Like_A_Willys

    87:87 after midnight on August 7 would be August 10 at 3:57 PM. ^(but please check my math)

  4. PhantomJB93

    I’m trying not to overreact to it but I am officially alarmed that we have one “Crosby jerseys on clearance sale” announcement and zero “Crosby signs extension” announcements today

  5. carry4food

    Hearing Dubas is gonna let him walk so we can trade for his boi’ Tavares.

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