@Los Angeles Kings

Canucks Vs Oilers – Alexander Edler 6-1 Goal – 01.07.11 – HD

Alexander Edler scores for the Vancouver Canucks to take a 6-1 lead versus the Oilers.

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  1. aw I wanted Daniel to get his hat-trick after Keslers, it would be cool if two players got an hat-trick in the same game but I guess there is still next time and btw we are still doing great right now…come on Canucks let's have Red Wings tomorrow for dinner! Let's get an 9 straight winning streak and beat them for revenge, Go Canucks Go!

  2. Another great game!
    Congrats Kesler on your hat trick.
    Congrats for the 8th straight win, since over 8 years
    Congrats Daniel dor the two goals, so close to a hat trick,
    Congrats to Schiender for the awesome saves, and he was SO close to a shutout. If they had scored like a second later…. 😮
    And congrats Canucks for having 59 points and being NUMBER ONE! YEAH 🙂

  3. Canucks are so good in December and January. Hope you don't break your ankles jumping off the bandwagon! Pray you guys don't play the hawks again…or your dreams will get crushed just like your pitiful Jr team. Losing a 3 goal lead in the 3rd period! hahah…..choke choke choke!!

  4. Now now, don't get all testy eh? Just because all us Americans have won your silly Stanley cup for the past 30 years is no reason to get upset. We don't even really care. Once we win it, there is no parade or riot…cause we don't care…sorry, it's true. We get all the new NHL teams, the best places to play (Miami vs Edmonton). I can see how it must just kill you to see an American team hoist lord Stanley's cup. So, keep praying…or keep eating poutine…

  5. Ok, ok, you are right. I am wrong. We USE canadians to win the cup for us here in the great US of A. We hire them like the mexicans to do our dirty work. So, I stand corrected. You canadians win the cup for us, kinda like how we use dogs. And yes, a fat sumo wrestler totally destroyed your team. I feel shame for you,really I do. Speaking of which, how are your two canadian boys, Henrik and Daniel doing? Oh, just in case you forget, our team won the World Series. Bunch of sheep farmers.

  6. So your own canadian boys come here and turn their backs on their own country in their beloved game and win the cup for another country. Shameful, really. I guess Canadian pride exists until you put a dollar, or .89US in front of their faces. Look, even our boy Ryan Kessler said he hated canadian fans during the Olympics, but you still cheer him on. Stop feeling like you are the US's little brother. You are actually the US's little sister..

  7. see its always these nooby americans or whatever they are that supports americans that cause these problems if they didnt say anything there wouldnt be any arguement

  8. cause the comments were all about canucks "oh yeahh he got a goal im so glad etc" and then some american comes up and starts the arguement.. they HAVE to start one because they have nothing to do cause they are too lazy to play anything

  9. @thekencheng 422 canadians have played in the nhl this year so far…180 americans. So you can't really say they suck when the make up more then half of nearly every team.

  10. @thekencheng theres a reason why the entire world wants to literrally kill everyone in your country..just saying
    btw umm the reason our home boys as you put play on your teams is because there arent enough canadian teams to fill up the all of players so unfortunately they have to play on your teams. haha and winning cups come on you dumbass lol all 24 american teams combined dont have more cups than montreal and toronto alone and the cups you did win are thanks to canadians/russians,swedes.

  11. @iRJEscano are you sure? because when I was watching the game, the announcer actually said that….lol…i'm not so sure. 🙂

  12. Please. Canadians come down here because there ARE no jobs in Canada. Thanks for making my point for me. Yes, Canadians and Leafs (1967) have more cups because the Canadians used to have first pick over the french canadians. Now that there is an open market, you Canadians flee over to the US to get jobs. And yes, thank you canadians for winning us cups. You are very useful to us, like our mexican labour force. I admit, I did not clean the toilet…my maid did. At least we all agree now.

  13. Let's not talk about Canada vs US. I am only stating facts and everyone is getting very upset about the truth. So until Canada gets more teams, you are very welcome to come down and win cups for us in Miami, Carolina or any other places where we don't care about hockey. I think each of you die a bit inside everytime we win a cup. It must hurt so much. I feel for ya. Oh well, you must be used to it by now.

  14. I did not say anything derogatory about Canada or the US. All I am saying is we hire foreign workers to get the things we desire. And yes, we pay them very well. They can take their US dollars and buy a mansion in Saskabush…but they all stay down here. Hello Gretzky, Luongo, et al. They know a good place when they see it. I do know what you mean though. The canadian teams are funding our US teams. Thank you very much! I am glad that you folks are so giving and willing to support us.

  15. Also, I don't understand why we have so many US teams here. You are correct. The American teams draft better than the Canadian teams. That is why we continually win this cup, or bowl….whatever. Why did you guys pass on Lemieux, Crosby and Ovetchkin, I will never understand. Please stop getting upset and try to emulate our success and strategies. The first step in learning is to realize who you can learn from. I don't know how to make an igloo, but we know how to win. Believe it.

  16. @thekencheng LOL, wow what an ignorant and stupid comment. Are you 12 years old by any chance, do you know how the NHL draft works ..`pass on Lemieux, Crosby and Ovi` …seriously, are you aware of how the draft works :S

  17. @SH7861WeezyBabyy
    Yes, I do know how the draft works. Your reply is typical of all you canadians. BTW, the bruins won the cup with Lucic….who the Canadian teams, including the Canucks, did not pick. Ouch, sorry to open up the wound there. But its the truth again. So who is ignorant and stupid? I would say YOU and your Canuck followers. Seriously, I guess you know how the draft works but just FAIL at it.

  18. Oiler's are defiantly a new team this season. After years of first round pick, they finally have a team that could take them a long way. BUT CANUCKS CAN DO IT. LETS GO CANUCKS!! Goodluck Oilers

  19. @thekencheng I dont get it – do you dislike Canada/Canadians, Canadian NHL teams, or the mistakes of the GMs of the teams because of who you think we (fans) are stupid? And yeah, I'm sure Lucic would have solved Vancouver's problem, right? Think again buddy. Speaking of ignorant and stupid ..

  20. @thedude what do you mean last 30 years? your math skills must suck the last time a Canadian based team won the cup was in 1993 when Montreal won

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