@Tampa Bay Lightning

Jack Grealish not being a role model for 2 min

❗This is a parody video that incorporates text, music, sound effects, imagery, and editing to create new content with comedic value. Sound effects are heavily used to exaggerate actions and humanize inanimate objects.The footage used for this video was manipulated with editing software to provide new context and value, at times creating a new narrative from the original story.


  1. I actually thought he was being a role model. Someone who knows exactly when to party snd when to put ridiculous work in to win a treble

  2. Everyone laughing at him being absolutely shitfaced, but he's actually the first one to show human behavior there with regards to the disabled kid.

  3. Intelligence is overrated anyway, the lad has a heart of gold and that’s what really matters…

  4. I hope everyone realizes that Jackie drinks maybe 4-5 times a year ok???you cant drink and be on the best team in the world :))) i hope kids realize that he worked his ass off and that in these clips he is celebrating the rest of the 360 days of work and not drinking:)))) Jackie is a great lad…..not the brightest but hes a football player he shouldn't be anyway:))) overthinking in football is the worst thing you can do:))))

  5. Southgate made the right decision to bring Jackie along. He has no intention of playing him, but he does need a party leader in case the Three Lions actually bring it home this time.

  6. Genuinely though- works hard, reached the top of his feild, clearly kept his humility, treats everyone well, knows how (and when) to enjoy his life and have fun… yeah. Decent role model tbh.

  7. The man is young, rich and successful, he just won a a title and wants to celebrate getting wasted, what’s wrong with that? It’s not like he does that everyday right? Let the man enjoy his life

  8. A young guy who loves the nonsense, never worth 100 million but can’t help but like him. From Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  9. He was the only one who even acknowledged the little blind girl and gave her the dignity and time to speak to her and make her feel noticed

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