@St. Louis Blues


Down 20-2 in the finals, Jay Rubin and Jordan Power climb their way back to become your new ACL Pro Doubles World Champions!


  1. "Even the number one player in the world still gets nervous" – delivered mid throw. One of the coldest lines in sports history

  2. The crazy thing is that at a NASCAR race, I surmounted a 20-3 deficit against my brother to win 24-20. Maybe the biggest comeback in singles history

  3. This baffles me. I didn't know they had a pro league. I would completely destroy any of these guys. I rarely miss a hole ever. Can someone please tell me if you get paid and where to try out? If they make good cash I'm seriously going to quit my job as soon as I get more info. I seriously never knew people took Cornhole this serious. If that one guy is the best in the world then he better be ready to move the puck over because I'm coming.

  4. It's crazy how good people are at this game but it's more crazy that it is treated like a sport where they have fans cheering them on 🤣. Next thing ya know we are going to have lawn mowing competitions where ya have to buy tickets and people are screaming and fighting over their best mowers 🤣🤣🤣

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