@New York Islanders

Laine to the Islanders?


I like it, What do we think??

by JayCass1000


  1. hopefulbeartoday

    Is Laine value that low even while retaining salary? I don’t love injury prone players and the whole mental health thing scares me but would I do that specific trade? Yes

  2. TheBunkerKing

    Laine’s recovery and summer training has been a pretty constant topic in Finnish hockey media. From what I’ve read he seems healthy and ready to go, been training physique with NFL guys and so on. 

    As an Isles fan, I’d love to see a Finn in the team again – most of the guys Isles have had haven’t really been star caliber ot have been traded out to be succesful elsewhere (looking at you, Olli Jokinen). 

    Laine making a successful comeback in the Isles jersey would also blow up the team’s Finnish fan base – it’s infinitely rare to see Isles mentioned in Finnish hockey media, probably the only team you see less is the Senators. 

  3. This is absolutely made up horseshit and the article is just click farming, but also I would do that trade in a heartbeat.

  4. I think they should retain more in that deal. That’s a lot to give up for an injury prone guy who just sat out almost a whole season with mental issues.

    Plus, with McLean’s play last season, everyone thinks he could play 4C then move Casey up to 3C. Did we really see enough out of him to feel comfortable doing that? I suppose we have enough centers that we can be flexible moving one either way. But idk

    Too much risk for me. But if Lou says Laine is good to go, I’ll take him

  5. Would I do it? Yeah. It’s a good deal and the retain makes it work with losing JGP salary.

    Would Lou get a guy who has a history of being lazy and off ice issues? Idk, Roy might be able to keep him in line, but it’s a risk. Would be a good right wing for 2nd line maybe? Brock/Laine/Giraffe? Unless we go Duke-Barzal-Laine first line with Horvat 2nd line center and Brock 3rd line center.

  6. therealdieseld

    Anything is a potential blockbuster if you have little enough sense to think to write it down.

  7. There’s already a one way offense only (with a fancy shot) player on the roster so a 2nd isn’t the best decision.

  8. FalconSixSix

    Lol the source of that article is “rumours”

  9. ensignWcrusher

    I’m not crazy about bringing in Liane. I’m not completely against introducing an offense only player into the room. The thing is, he MUST be a sure fire piont per game player. Liane hasn’t been that, even at his best. I’d pass on this. The whole “everybody’s clean shaved” and “everybody plays a 200 foot game” thing is demanding that to be an Islander, you must buy in to what we do 100%. To break that for one player, the player has to actually be special. Liane’s may be good again someday, but he’s not special.

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