@St. Louis Blues

Blues Tender Offer Sheets to Broberg and Holloway of the Oilers

Well, I didn’t see these happening this late in the summer.


  1. While it hurts, the Oilers should let both go. They've been banking on the team-friendly deals thing and matching the Blues on either offer will not only piss off their players, but may also affect how the upcoming big contracts are negotiated. Do you want to keep these two, or do you want Draisaitl, Bouchard, and McDavid having their agents squeezing everything they can out of the salary cap when they re-sign?

    Looking at it from Holloway/Broberg's perspective, they've signed the offer sheets for some clear reasons. Holloway was earning his salt in the playoffs, then he's definitively squeezed out of the top six by the Skinner and Arvidsson signings in July. I can't blame him for wanting out. Broberg is in a sort of similar situation with the Oilers being so LHD heavy, but his exit will hurt way more because it isn't as if the Oilers have a good RHD to slot in. Both players are young and St Louis is a young team that looks like they're finally going to break into the playoffs, so there is a bit of underdog appeal there too.

    The smart move for the Oilers is to walk away. No matter how it plays out, however, I'm really starting to think that the Oilers hired Bowman for his scapegoat value alone.

  2. The Blues are the original offer sheet kings, although it wasn't called that back then but when they signed Scott Stevens to a big deal the league was like WTH so they had to give up 5 first rounders, then the very next year they signed a young Brendan Shanahan to a big deal and they had no first rounded and had to give up Stevens lol. But yea they are kind of the OGs of this. Those two deals where also kind of what got the ball rolling for big contracts, it wasn't those deals specifically but they created a snowball effect.

  3. Sticking it up to Bowman, beautiful. The rest of the league applauds you Armstrong. Not a fan of either team, just love this.

  4. As a Flames fan, I'm ecstatic. Actually, I'd be ecstatic if this happened more often as too many teams back up the Brinks truck to sign players to long term cap heavy contracts. This limits their flexibility and any enterprising team with the stones can take advantage of that inflexibility.

  5. With these guys and all the young talent coming, the Blues are positioning themselves for a good run. They are still going to have to find a way to get younger/better on the blue line.

  6. I love this. It’s about time GMs from around the league start taking advantage of teams that spend massive amounts on superstars and wind up barely remaining cap compliant. Offer-sheeting their young players is probably the fastest way to do that.

  7. from Edmonton: rumor is Broberg wanted out of Edmonton so this isn't a surprise to me. Let them go, cya

  8. It’s a lose-lose situation for Edmonton. If they match, they are already cap screwed (Hello Darnell Nurse lol), if they reject, they lose 2 very good young players. And I’m sure the big boys whose contracts are due soon won’t be happy with that. Gotta respect Blues for kicking the Oilers while they’re already down.

  9. Neither player moves the needle of "Win Now". Broberg has asmall NHL saple size of80 games & Holloway was going to be on 4th line. Shame on Management for getting here but take the picks & leverage them at trade deadline for assets on a run.

  10. If I try to be logical from a management standpoint, which is hard since im a bias oilers fan lol, but…I cant blame Broberg for jumping at that huge salary increase, although we need a young D man more… than a forward who was willing to walk away from a cup contender and potentially screw over the team for a 1 million dollar raise. With what he has brought so far, he is easier replaced with someone who wants to be here. Im trying to be logical. Trying. lol

  11. i dont match either, they exercised their right for money and to leave a contending team. They were a nice luxury, but not necessary.

  12. A whooooole lot of cry babies in this commment section lol theyd all be on the complete opposite side if the oilers were doing the same thing. But they cant. Cause they have negative dollers to spend.

  13. Oilers were pretty much banking on them taking team friendly contracts near the league minimum. Draisaitl and McDavid will be taking "team friendly" extensions that will still be the 2 highest contracts in the league. Bromberg and Holloway shouldn't have to take half their value so the big guns can stoop down to 90% of theirs

  14. I love this! Well played Blues. Oilers definitely leaking a little oil right now, despite clenching real hard…

  15. Canadian Blues fan here…… After watching the playoffs and cup final if I was the Oilers I'd match Broberg's deal to keep him as I feel he has a great upside and bonus this is the player that the Blues probably want the most out of this crazy deal so yeah keep Broberg and send Holloway to the Blues. I'm good with any outcome, just trying not to get too hyped about picking them both up just yet. 🤞

  16. dont the players have to accept the offer first. if holloway and broberg simply refuse the contract, this is a null situation.

  17. I think the Oilers match Holloway but the thought of losing either of them for draft picks, would really eat at me if I was in Oil Country. Bowman’s first test is underway.

    Also, does anyone know whether Shannon’s shirt is available on the Ducks’ online team store?

  18. This is because they hired Bowman. It's smart but this is out of nowhere. I'm a Blues fan who has been longing for the day that Armstrong moves on. I don't care about Bowman at all but I respect the boldness.

  19. Time will tell who takes the L here.

    The Oil are doing what Win Now teams do, which is sacrifice youth for veterans at value. If they win in the next 2-3 years, this will be forgotten. If not, they’ll deserve the inevitable criticism.

    As for St. Louis… shrewd move, but look at the deals in isolation. Broberg at 4.5M? He had a great two weeks in the playoffs, but he's never played a full NHL season. Holloway at 2 and change might be good. He was too far down the depth chart in Edmonton to get a real opportunity.

  20. I will not be content as a blue fan until another Tkachuk on the team. Will it happen? No, but I'm inclined to be disappointed as a blues fan anyway


    Unscramble Pete Chiarelli…you get Leech Reptilia.

  22. I really think these two players are good and if I was the Oilers GM I would try and match. That is based on how they played in the playoffs. Holloway is the easy decision, Borberg the hard one, but he could be really good based on his playoffs.

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