@Edmonton Oilers

The Oilers Get What They DESERVE

The Oilers have been a safe haven for players with questionable character for years. Considering their lack of cap space, the signings were defensible and part of a strategy. However, their recent GM hiring was baffling. He is incompetent, and the Oilers are already suffering the consequences of his appointment.


  1. What do you think will be the result of these offer sheets? Do the Oilers let both players walk? Do they sign one, and sacrifice the other?

  2. nah i dont feel bad for them at all. Oilers won by one goal and the fan base instead of saying gg good series, acted like toddlers. You get what you fukin deserve


  3. Karma will get back to Armstrong and their SF president. Blues suck. Hope they sit and wrought around 18th place in standing for years and years

  4. oilers overhated for no reason, the hell did we do? we made a comeback, almost winning the cup for canada which i bet many supported and all of a sudden ya'll hating

  5. Awesome comprehensive video. I loved the skating speeds of the Oilers vs the free agents Skinner and Arvidsson. I don't even know where you find skating speeds. Nice touch on the Hawks coverage, Oilers team coverage etc!

  6. bunch of bull crap in the video and the comments below. See you end of June 2025 in front of the TVs watching the Oilers win!

  7. 🤡 channel… 🤡 opinion… Look everybody we got Saint blueline over here, never does anything wrong, never made a mistake in his life. So he'll never need or deserve a second chance to make a living for himeslf if he makes a mistake and will be fine being blackballed from society if he ever does screw up because he's just that great!

  8. Two kids get sheeted, one lands up with a shit team, St. Louis. Broberg isn't worth 4.6 on a good day, good luck with that.

  9. I'll say it again; oilers fans deserve a cup. CERTAIN players on the team deserve a cup. The franchise itself does not

  10. As an Oilers fan, I agree with everything. Leave Bowman aside, they were 2 goals away from a cup with THIS team. Did they really need to get rid of so many players and change so many things? Everyone was drooling over Jeff Jackson's decisions, but it seems that no one thought about how old and slow the team just got thanks to all of his "amazing" decisions.

  11. No respect for bowman selfish now when offer sheet are rare in nhl bowman gm for Oilers most gm don't have respect for him shame on Oilers for hiring him such a disgrace ,when you close your eyes too sexual a buse have the power too do something but don't.

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