@Detroit Red Wings

Filppula rejoins Jokerit

Filppula rejoins Jokerit

by ForkzUp


  1. Interesting bit of [original Finnish article]( (Google translate):

    >It is certain that Filppula will play for the Jokers at least next season. It has also been tentatively agreed that Filppula will have another role in the club after his playing career. According to the information, the role of co-owner in Jokers is being planned for Filppula.

  2. coltron57

    I had forgotten he was still playing in Europe. Good for him that he gets to finish with Jokerit. Kinda wish he could have played with his brother in Detroit that one year he was in the organization.

  3. culturedrobot


    The way his name was announced was always very satisfying

  4. thatone5000

    Was one of my favorite players growing up, hope he has a good season back where it all started for him!

  5. HermionesWetPanties

    Damn, I didn’t realize he’d made it into the Triple Gold Club in 2022. Currently the only Finn in the group, and the 4th player to get in with the 2008 Wings team.

    #14 in points for Finnish born NHL players. Captained the Finns to gold in the Olypmics and WC in 2022. That’s a hell of a career.

  6. GroundbreakingCow775

    Good luck to him. Jokerit need all the help they can get since the KHL fiasco

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