@Vancouver Canucks

[Patrick Johnston via The Province] “Could the Canucks help the Oilers out of their offer-sheet pickle?”

From article: “Might ex-Vancouver Giant Brett Kulak be a Vancouver Canucks target, now that the Edmonton Oilers are apparently resigned to trading him?”

by 21marvel1


  1. Iron_Seguin

    With our 15k in cap space? How would we be able to afford a 6-7 d man making damn near 3m? It’s not like we can send any salary back if they’re trying to clear cap.

  2. Happy_Drafter

    Trade for a marginal upgrade that bails out your biggest division rival? This is nonsense.

  3. De_Floppss

    Could McDavid leave the Oilers?

    Answer is yes but unlikely….

  4. >He would be a marginal upgrade on the third pair over Derek Forbort

    I don’t see why we would pay almost double the salary over twice the years for a “marginal” upgrade. The defense is set until injuries or the trade deadline happen

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