@Columbus Blue Jackets

Is Livvy Dunne BAD for women sports?💰


  1. While its not her fault, she would do well to dress less provocatively for her own safety. Every time I see a video of her I fear that someone is going to try to do something terrible to the girl. She already has to attend online classes for her own safety ffs

  2. The problem with that is when she gets older, and that's all she has. She's going 2 whine that she's alone and no one takes her seriously.

  3. Yeah ok but when you dress like a hoe you know how men are going to think and you do it intentionally

  4. Wtf. It is 100% the woman's responsibility. it's her duty to dress her body modestly to keep men from looking. Self-respect starts with modest dress

  5. Have any of you’ll seen the way women act at the concerts of male singers they like. That’s some over the top creepy shit.

  6. I think that's BS tbh levy should want to show decency she shouldn't wanna post lingerie for ig… I mean how is it not her responsibility when she puts it all out there for young azz men to see they then say it's not my fault they are pigs .. nah it's girls like levy or whatever that make America shameful

  7. as a woman, you’re not responsible for looking like a slut and having a man looking at you and treating you like a slut is what she meant to say

  8. Lol, the boys who objectify her and say creepy things to her are weird, sure – but let’s not act like livvy doesn’t know what she’s doing. Come on now.

  9. I don’t blame people like Liv and Ice Spice…they are simply making money off current dumb ass society😂. If I’m getting handed fame and millions of dollars and I don’t gotta do shit but look good…I’m taking that. Until society stops being simps and fanboys/fangirls…this shit will never change

  10. She doesn't even dress that differently from other people, just when you are as attractive as her it has the potential to bring in a lot of fans who otherwise wouldn't care. I promise if she was wearing less revealing outfits she would be just as popular. And on the other side I don't think a lot of people following you because you are attractive is a bad thing for a sport either. It brings a lot of fans in who wouldn't have otherwise watched it and honestly saying 'we want livvy' isn't that bad at all and honestly if you think that it is bad you need to learn how to deal with things better.

  11. the dressing isn’t the problem. it’s the editing every picture and making her whole career out of the fact she’s a stereotypical hot skinny blonde and that is 90% of her fame. some of her team is better than her and you don’t see them get half as much recognition because they don’t do the baiting and editing she does

  12. As rich person your not responsible for how less fortunate people will look at the money in your unlocked car

  13. It may not be her fault that some men objectify her but she knowingly uses it for her own personal advantage, regardless of how it effects other women around her.

  14. But if attractive young men were walking around shirtless, they would get asked to dress up more appropriately to not turn on the women watching. We men respect most of the times that we have to dress up appropriately to not give off the "playboy" vibe, but girls can dress with as few and tight sitting clothes as they want and then demand that men don't begin expressing pervert behaviour. I'm not demanding that we men should do anything like this, but there should be the same standard for every gender.

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