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Edmonton Oilers News | Oilers DECLINE To Match | Trade | Future Outlook

The Oilers Fanatic goes over all the latest in Oil Country!! #Oilers #EdmontonOilers #LetsGoOilers #dylanholloway #philipbroberg #vasilypodkolzin #codyceci #tyemberson #krisknoblauch #NHL #nhlhighlights #nhlhighlight #trade #nhltrade #offersheet #offersheets #stlouisblues #blues #nhltrades #trade #nhltrade #trades #canucks #vancouvercanucks #paulfischer


  1. Left Wing Center Right Wing

    Nuge McDavid Hyman

    Skinner Draisaitl Arvidsson

    Podkolzin Henrique Levoie

    Janmark Pederson Connor Brown


    Left D Right D

    Ekholm Bouchard

    Nurse Emberson

    Kulak Stecher

    Josh Brown (or Phil Kemp)




    Doing This Cost by line:











    1,000,000 or 775,000 (Brown is a million, Kemp 775K)


    25,425,000 or 25,200,000 (Brown is more than Kemp)

    3,600,000 (Goal)

    Dead Cap:


    Carryover Bonus's:


    Total with Josh Brown: 87,341,667

    Total with Phil Kemp 87,116,667

    Cap: 88,000,000

    Difference (Josh Brown) 658,333

    Difference (Phil Kemp) 883,333

    This is the cap that would accrue IF this is the scenario.

    Using Perry and Ryan reduces this by 375,000 (Perry for Levoie) and 125,000 (Ryan for Pederson)

    That is a 500,000 reduction to the Accrue amount.

    If not keeping Holloway and Broberg was for Cap reasons the best scenario for money is remove the older more expensive 3rd and 4th liners and sub in MUCH cheaper alternatives. Even with that the BEST you can do if I see the math right is $883,333 for an amount to accrue. That's not horrible. More would be better but this gives us 13 forwards (though one of them is Kane) and 7 D plus both goalies. If you LTIR ANYONE you can't accrue cap. That's why they're trying to avoid it with Kane.

  2. I wonder if its going to come out that Kane will not be going on LTIR. I wonder if that was the reason. Kane has been quite adamant that he doesn't want to.

  3. This is good for us, we have flexibility with cap space towards the trade deadline, we get a few picks back for Hollywood and Broski, they also didn't want to be here keep in mind, especially Broberg. Good for their development on the Blues while getting paid. I have a feeling Oilers are going to upgrade huge at the deadline on the backend. You win some and lose some. Can't keep them all.

  4. Didn't think Broberg played as well in the playoffs as has been reported. He was ok but his money can be better spent elsewhere.

  5. Rather would have kept Holloway for sure as he's going to be a stud for sure. Broberg hasn't even proven himself yet. Yes he had a decent playoff but he's got one goal in 56 games with the oil. It St louis thinks he's worth over 2 million a year, good on them. More cap space for them anyway.

  6. Well they signed the offer sheets and decided to follow the money. Sad to see Holloway go but now we have room for Savoie to come up.

  7. Broberg clearly did not want to be an Oiler. He was butt hurt way back around christmas time and never really was a team guy, I get it he could be something, but he could also turn out to be another dud, time will tell. Hard to put that dollar amount on a d man who only played 81 total NHL games and 10 playoff games, 82 game season and then playoffs is a totally different beast. Holloway, he is injury prone and if he could stay healthy may have been able to contribute more but, again if he stays healthy. I also think that Holloways camp did him a disservice by telling him to sign the offer sheet.

  8. Do you think the Oilers will make another move to solidify the D? I was reading an article about Laine trade to Montreal and CBJ GM said several teams with cap constraints have called him since the trade.

  9. As a Blues fan, the thing that really scares me is the Oilers history with first round draft picks not named McJesus. I mean, these guys can skate….right?

  10. I think the Oilers must have made it pretty clear to other teams that they were willing to let both players walk. That's what got the Sharks to go ahead and take Ceci for a third instead of a higher pick. Better a third than no trade at all. And I think that's what got the 3rd + prospect out of STL at the end, because the Oilers had the cap space to match both, so they could tell the Blues "hey, cough up a little more or we'll go ahead and match." It's a smart strategy, but I don't really like the results. Fully agree that the right side of the defense is not good enough to win a cup at the moment.

  11. This is ok and the blues gived the Oilers another 3rd round of 2028 and paul fischer, but if i was the the Oilers i would try and get Anderson from the flames and gived then 2nd amd 3rd round picks and get Tyson barrie for league minimum

  12. The good thing is we have some trade options to get a d-man or key part or parts at the trade deadline.

    Hopefully we didnt trade Ceci thinking we were going get Broberg. I hope the Oilers have a plan by letting Ceci and Broberg go they have a good 2nd pairing d-man in mind.

    Really sad to see holloway and broberg go. We didnt get to see theit potential.

    Thats another top offensive pick who didnt work out in our franchise. Which is going on almost 10 years (since Leon) that a 1st round or 2nd round pick really made no impact for us.

    Mcleod, foeghle and Holoway vs
    Arvidsson, Connor brown injury free all year and Janmark

    Speedwise we arent too far from what we saw if janmark and brown can play like they did down the playoff stretch. If not. This is a serious blow to the Oilers.

    I really thought Broberg and Desjarnais were our future with Bouchard.

    Our once deep defensman lineup is looking a lot thinner…

    I dont believe josh brown or Troy stecher will be starters for long. The oilers will get someone to be the 6th man. Its nice to have brown and stecher in case of injury but thats all they are. Gap coverage

  13. Blues definitely caught Oilers management napping, hopefully Karma will let Broberg and Holloway watch us hoisting the cup…still hate the Perry signing!

  14. Broberg and Holloway are good prospects but hardly proven. Still very risky to blow up your cap strategy for. Time will tell. $1M at the trade deadline will sign you a $4M contract.

  15. Can't blame the players and agents for signing the offer sheets. BUT, it stings losing two first rounders for much less.

  16. SN reporting that Oilers got a 3rd rounder in 2028 and a prospect from St. Louis for futures. Why would St Louis trade a 3rd rounder to the Oilers for futures? Would seem that the Oilers told St. Louis to give them something or they'd match. A 3rd rounder in addition to compensation for Holloway and the prospect in addition to Broberg for compensation. No other reason for St. Louis to give away something they didn't have too. Good work by Oilers management to trade Ceci and force St. Louis to pony up more than just the compensation.

  17. Its hard to thimk we coulsnt have matched Holloway for an exrra 500k a season. Thats seems odd.

    Broberg didnt want to stay i dont think. And i dont blame him. He should have been on the Oilers all year and not in AHL.

    Imo they were purposely putting him down in AHL so they could get by with a low priced contract on him for another year or 2. Possible Holloway also. If they played all year in the pros their stats would have proved they were worth more and they would probably have left anyways.

    Again, i dont think Holloway will have the potential for ice time as much as he would have had with Oilers. We had him as a key part with mcleod gone. Hes at a team where he needs to compete for a spot again. Which i think he will do fine.

    At least i have a reason to watch Blues this year now.

  18. I'm worried about the Oilers after this move. I don't see another team freeing up a top 4 D, nor do I see one coming up in the system.

  19. Wtf happened. They trade Ceci, so the team….won't match either of the contracts. The team was already old, and now they lose their two best young players. So now the team is smaller, slower, and older. Fu!@ing brilliant strategy in a league that's continually getting younger. I'm fu!@ing shocked. The team is done. The dcore is in shambles. The goalies are unimpressive. Oh, but the forward group is great. Great forwards can't carry a team all the way. The way this was handled was a complete failure of asset management.

  20. I’m having a great time laughing at the clowns on the Blues channels who think they’ve won the Cup because of this. Their delusion is stunning.

  21. Blues fan here. Seems like most of the Oilers fan are not holding a grudge against St. Louis–Canadians are just too nice. 🙂 It was interesting watching how this played out–been a little boring lately when it comes to hockey news. It will be fun to see the games between the 2 teams in this season. Also, you've got to remember, St. Louis has had a lot of pain when it comes to our team with only one Cup after 56 years.

  22. Do Broberg or Holloway actually HAVE TO accept the St. Louis sheets or could they decline and stay with Edmonton at a negotiated price? Just don't understand the offer sheet mechanic.

  23. I love it. It gives us more flexibility when the trade deadline is upon us. This team will be an absolute force in the playoffs, if they approach the trade deadline the right way.

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