@National Hockey League

Who has the best goal song in the league?

Who has the best goal song in the league?

by Particular-Dig9551


  1. It’s still Chelsea Dagger…

    It just uh, you know, doesn’t get played very often these days.


  2. Dick-E-Doo

    Blackhawks – Chelsea Dagger. No contest.

    As a Pens fan, I’m happy with Andrew WK – Party Hard but it doesn’t come close to Chicago

  3. Da_Moon_Bear

    Lemme tell you it’s def not the Leafs

  4. Distinct_Mud_2673

    Dallas is perfect. I’m biased as a kraken fan but lithium is pretty good

  5. cantbelievethename

    Crowd chant was great back in the day but kinda lost its appeal. A packed MSG with that song is pretty good

  6. edeeds91

    For sure the Blackhawks, nothing beats the energy the dagger brings to the UC

  7. Numerous_Resist_8863

    Someone should bring back Brass Bonanza

  8. Professional_Form393

    Maybe not the best but the Wings switching to the end of Without Me by Eminem is pretty badass.

  9. Spaceace_1917

    Dallas. Can’t beat Pantera doing that song exclusively for the Stars.

  10. ewehrle92

    I’m probably biased but I always loved the Yotes’ “Howlin for You”.

    God, I don’t even know what Utah’s will be now. “Livin’ on a Prayer”?

  11. slow-roaster

    Anaheim with Pennywise and “Bro Hymn”

  12. Caramalameet

    Definitely not any bias talking but the Kraken with Lithium is lit 

  13. turndapage80

    Fully biased but the new one the red wings use is a lot of fun

  14. Particular_Spirit_75

    It pains me to say it, but it’s the Stars.

  15. CamaroGirl96

    Blackhawks – Chelsea Dagger

    Not only does it work with the excitement of a goal but they haven’t changed it. Stuck with what worked. Wish my team did that.

    Bonus points to the Kraken, having the crowd sing out “Let’s Go Kraken” with their goal song is pretty awesome. I enjoyed their atmosphere even if was not cheering for them lol

  16. kotobormot55

    rangers for sure,but nashville is also cool

  17. This is one thing I will go full homer for. Detroit’s goal song is so fucking fun. Way better than the one those losers in Chicago use.

  18. Our fanbase hates our goal song, but I think it’s the best in the league. I am obviously biased and breakfast club is my favourite movie so to me it slaps!

  19. captain_catman_

    New York Rangers for sure. Especially when it’s a big goal and a packed house you can feel the energy even on TV

  20. angebracke65

    If this was the year 2000, it’s Ottawa and Song 2 by Blur.

    Unfortunately, after 25 years, miiiiiiight be time to move on from that lil ditty.

    Unrelated, the actual “Senators” song is a masterpiece, and I’ll not take any other answer as accurate.

  21. DrewPeanuts021

    That would be the Hartford Whalers and Brass Bonanza

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