@Montreal Canadiens

Patrik Laine: point de presse du nouvel attaquant du CH

Point de presse du nouvel attaquant des Canadiens, Patrik Laine qui a été acquis en retour de Jordan Harris.

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Les détails de la transaction envoyant Patrik Laine à Montréal et Jordan Harris à Columbus:


  1. Crazy to think that couple months before and up to the 2016 draft Laine was concidered to be #1 pick with Matthews… the ''experts'' were divided…. now we know how it went but he had that potential!

  2. Geez la premiere question est trop direct " hey tu pense tu que tu pourrais etre le patrick laine de winnipeg ?"

  3. As a Montrealer and a Habs fan, I think this is the most exciting acquisition by the team since we obtained the services of Kovalev almost 20 years ago !!! Welcome and good luck ! We have a very promising roster oy young talent, you will help them a lot I am certain !

  4. Le gars en veux minimum 40 but sur sa prochaine saison, il sais ce qu'il veut et sa j'aime sa. J'le repete, tres content de le voir avec nos Habs ! Lets go LAINE !!

  5. He hasn' t score 30 goals in 5+ years….not sure I like that kind of 50 goals speech from him in this spot.
    Just look at his career stats…he has regressed continually! I get vibes of PLD and Drouin with Laine.
    If he can be away from drama…healthy and give 60 to 70 points…it will have to be considered a great season.

  6. Hey Patrick. Really happy to see you with the Habs. Look its simple, just help bring home the Cup and you will be remember FOREVER !!!

  7. Hey Mr Pat ,

    You certainly looked like you hate Montreal but listen here
    have a look at the fans last year knowing we might be last certainly not playoffs the arena was packed buddy so when you have bad games don't worry we are rebuilding go and have fun play the best you can we understand ❤

  8. Hey Mr Pat ,

    You certainly looked like you hate Montreal but listen here
    have a look at the fans last year knowing we might be last certainly not playoffs the arena was packed buddy so when you have bad games don't worry we are rebuilding go and have fun play the best you can we understand

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