@Tampa Bay Lightning

Extreme Felix Baumgartner jumping off Taipei 101 首次從101跳樓成功

Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Date: 12/12/07
BASE jumper Felix Baumgartner leaped from the highest building in the world, the Taipei 101 Tower in Taiwan on December 11. The jump itself wasn’t the only thing that was risky.
Five seconds was all it took for Felix Baumgartner’s freefall at his most recent BASE jump in Taipei. Five seconds, which took months of preparation. The 38-year-old Austrian checked out the tower, which is 509 meters tall, on numerous visits and in various costumes, made note of the positioning of the surveillance cameras, the security systems, and memorized the inaccessible areas.

On the day before the jump Baumgartner deposited his parachute in a toilet with the help of a local Taiwanese. On Tuesday afternoon it was then time to go ahead with the secret mission in James Bond style. On the look-out platform helpers distracted the tourists and security team, thus giving Baumgartner the opportunity to climb the three meter security wall. From there it was a four then 509 meter drop. After the historical jump he landed on a multi-level car park

From the jump to take-off

“I failed three times, but now I’ve finally realized this dream,” Baumgartner rejoiced after the first BASE jump from the tallest building in the world — the most recent highlight of his aerial career resume. Meeting up with the police and security who were hectically on his heals after the jump — probably to congratulate him — Baumgartner preferred to avoid: as early as two hours after the mission he was sitting in the plane, flying away from the country.








  1. 祈禱阿扁也去跳~!!降落傘都免了,全台灣人民會大叫,吾皇萬碎萬萬碎,全家早點死,台灣會更好,人民會更相親相愛. 台灣有救了!

  2. red bull是一種運動飲料,專門用極限運動當廣告的內容,你只能看一個國家的法律被一個商業集團挑戰但卻拿他沒辦法。當你看到一個違法的人,但你還很高興的為他加油,在我看來,他的行為跟王又曾沒兩樣。

  3. it is still the tallest in the world. But until the burj is completed. Anyway, the Taiwanese should be even more proud than the Arabs because they build this 101 themselves without help from foreigners, not that I know of. And the building is sophisticated enough to resist typhoon and earthquate which are the major weather conditions in Taiwan. That is one of the reason why Taiwan doesnt have much tall buildings.

  4. hahaha, when the news covered this "security breach" they only guessed this guy landed on the ground and took a taxi to escape…

  5. he's the best basejumper in the world… with the support of red bull he has absolutly no limits

  6. because of this crazy dude
    now we can't go up 101 with backpacks
    thanks to you
    you archived your dream but caused millions ppl troubles

  7. @TheNoonelikeme He is going to break the record for highest, fastest, longest skydive, 811m is NOTHING compared to 36,000m. He is also going to be the first to break the sound barrier with his own body.

  8. Damn I remember watching this as a kid, and I thought that this is so cool, and I was doing the same by walking on high stone walls in my garden lol

  9. 這是小時候我爸帶我看的第一部YouTube 影片,來此留念紀念一下

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