@Vancouver Canucks

Elias Pettersson and J.T. Miller ranked 10th and 11th respectively on NHL Network’s Top 20 Cs

Elias Pettersson and J.T. Miller ranked 10th and 11th respectively on NHL Network’s Top 20 Cs

by avmp629


  1. RailroadingFreedom

    JT miller plays on the first line for the Canucks.
    Takes the draws on the PP. and had a hundred point season.

  2. TonguePunchUrFart

    Probably gonna catch some heat but I honestly think JT should be higher than EP40. Love the kid, definitely a higher ceiling and potential, but JT just seems to be more complete and dependable between the two.

  3. kneejerk_nuck

    Huge letdown from Miller. He’s got to be better.

  4. JT Miller: The most underrated player in the NHL right now.

    Prove me wrong.

  5. AbsurdOrpheus

    Miller 100% most underrated C in the league

  6. CaptainIndoCanadian

    People gonna say Miller should be higher and I think that’s not an egregious take, but people really need to take a deep breath and not hold 2 months of poor play on a bum knee with MIKHEYEV and LAFFERTY constantly as wingers against the kid.

    Let’s not forget, Hoggy couldn’t cut it on Miller and Boeser’s line, but was a mainstay and thrived with Petey. Why? Petey’s 2-way ability as a C.

    They’re 10 and 11. Flip flop them if you wish, it’s no big deal. Me, personally, I rank Petey higher. If he comes out the gates and struggles again next year tho, then we need to have a serious conversation.

  7. letstrythatagainn

    How the fuck was Miller unranked last year??

  8. Chaotic_Stasis

    I’m going to be downvoted into oblivion but whatever: i see a lot of people itt referring to Miller as being the most underrated player/centre going but in reality he’s probably slightly overrated right now.

  9. cinnamon-toast06

    Wow have the times changed in Vancouver. Just a year or two ago the hate Miller had. Now he’s the most celebrated Canuck

  10. EastVan1k

    I give a lot of credit to management for seeing that JT could be a solid match up center by playing more conservatively and with Tocchet pushing him to play hard consistently.

    I expect JT to get less points next yr, but if he can be solid defensively we will be a top ten team again.

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