@Edmonton Oilers

Dylan Holloway on Signing Blues Offer Sheet and Leaving Oilers

Dylan Holloway joined NHL Tonight after the Edmonton Oilers decline to match the offer sheet from the St. Louis Blues to talk about his whirlwind week, moving to St. Louis and his time in Edmonton.

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  1. He signed for $400,000 more than the Oilers offered him. From what I understand, he was hoping Edmonton would sign him. I am glad they did not. Let them leave for more money. Chasing financial gain over the championship.

  2. If though I get why he did it, this was his choice. Even though he had the chance of going to another championship, in this economy he made the right choice

  3. Ohh Dylan…I sure hope you are going to learn, just how great a situation of winning your dream cup..with the Oil, and Doh! Money.
    He is a good, talented kid..have fun blues-ing!

  4. St Louise ain’t going anywhere for awhile. They ain’t building nothing special. They paying u to get u for their rebuilding. Good luck playing another playoffs game.

  5. he knows he will be on the 4th line in edmonton. he may have a better role in st louis. plus he gets more money. it is a choice he has to make。。

  6. I don't understand why anyone who is serious about winning a Stanley Cup would leave a certified contender to go to a team that didn't make the playoffs.
    Is the money that important?

  7. Oilers players taking less for the team because they want to win and these guys want to not pay their dues and go for the money…god bless….If the Oilers signed Broberg at over 4 mill people would say thats insane….he only played 12 games…

  8. Why is everyone treating the Blues like we are a bottom 5 team in the league? We barely missed the playoffs this last season and have a young core that is improving. Adding two more young guys that can immediately make an impact is only going to improve our chances. Cant wait to see these two guys on the ice.

  9. Thank you for a great run Dylan. We are sorry to see you go and are going to miss ya. St. Louis is lucky to have you, and your going to be a star! But once an Oiler always an Oiler!

  10. After much thought and reading some posts, I’m glad the Oilers didn’t sign either of them. St Louis overpaid because the Oilers were tight with cap space. Holloway is not worth 2.4 million dollars and walked away from playing with the best players in the world. 90 games experience and 1.5 million from the Oilers was not good enough. And forget the Broberg money, out of control.

  11. Get the distinct impression Dylan got led into this by his agent to join in on something Broberg wanted to do, and is kinda regretting it already

  12. He says ‘There’s so much more than taking the money, so you know’ 😂😂😂 typical kid comment

  13. Last invitation you’ll get from McD lol
    Good luck kid, we’ll miss rooting for you in Edmonton 🥲

  14. His bank account is happy but you can tell he’s disappointed he’s going to St. Louis

  15. The blues have won the cup recently, the Oilers haven't.

    People act as if the oikers have been in the finals for the last decade

  16. If he wanted to stay he wouldnt have signed that offer sheet, he chose money over a chance at winning the cup.

  17. Career mistake, he’s trying to sound optimistic, but you can hear it in his voice he knows he made a mistake already

  18. Love how everyone says stuff like:he chose money over championships😂you guys got the back to the future sport almanac???

  19. bad decision my guy. you would have eventually got paid with the oilers too guess you had no patience just wanted to secure that bag but at what cost my guy??? went from playing close to home with the best roster going forward in 29 and 97 only to make a few extra bux. have fun seeing 29 97 win a cup

  20. I’m fine with him leaving, but for that little of a difference of money and knowing you could have rode shotgun with Drai or McD potentially in a couple years once one of Hyman, Nuge, Kane fall off a little.

  21. Would have been sweet if you stayed, look like a good kid. Now that I said that you’re gonna get boo’s all night at a Rogers

  22. Edmonton GM said it best. What they need is loyalty and Edmonton offered both Broberg and Holloway contracts. What these players wanted was to make bank despite having not putting in the minutes to earn it.
    Matching these offers would have set a precedent of this being a team to make bank, not to win cups. So enjoy your time in St. louis.

  23. This guy thinking McDavid and Drai need to take less to win a cup but not him. Will enjoy winning it without him.

  24. It's now time that all teams start doing the offer sheets. It's the new way, old ways are no longer honored.

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