@Vegas Golden Knights

Mark Stone Hit on Landon Ferraro – Injury

Mark Stone Hit on Landon Ferraro – Injury Headshot Elbow Ottawa Senators vs Detroit Red Wings


  1. Suspension suspension suspension. If this isn't, the NHL is pathetic. If kronwall got suspended for a clean hit I want 30 games for this

  2. While I, as a Sens fan, will concede, that Ferraro's head was hit, it hardly looks like Stone "targets the head with his shoulder and finishes with his elbow". Actually watching some more, I will concede that the shoulder raises after contact but really, at that point Stone is past Ferraro, and couldn't be exerting nearly enough force to spin Ferraro like that. There is definitely no follow up elbowing. It's nowhere near as vicious as the announcers make it out to be. Does it deserve a hearing? sure, but no more than that. I want to be clear, though, I do think it was a poor choice by Stone, and that it was bad play to make. My main gripe is with the announcers, and the overreaction.

  3. I didn't see this one as dirty. It looked like Stone was coming in toward his shoulder, but Ferraro tried to pull up to avoid the hit and unfortunately took it in the jaw instead. The thing that makes it look bad on Stone's part is the slight reach with the elbow as Ferraro tried to slow up. Also, he didn't have much time to hold up. The puck was only released a split second before. Didn't come in from the blindside. Again, I don't think this was dirty, but for the sake of player safety, I'd be alright with them issuing one game.

  4. Classless.. must of learnt it from Gryba before he left the team. 2 games is just a microfracture of time.

  5. He's off balance because the other red wing took his space and hits his head only because he's taller.

  6. yea that's a head shot. he had his whole body to hit. all you do is go for the middle of body and propel yourself through. Not a glancing hit

  7. lol @ "targeted the head and finished with the elbow". Is this really the best commentary you can rustle up Fox? Stone was clipped prior to contact. Mistimed the contact, and ended up clipping Ferraro's shoulder and head.

    It's nothing more controversial than that. Stone gets a tiny suspension because the league has to. End of story.

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