@St. Louis Blues

Islanders take Game 1 vs. Bolts behind Prince, Greiss

Shane Prince scored twice in the 1st period and Thomas Greiss put forth a terrific effort, as New York takes Game 1, 5-3, against the Lightning


  1. If the islanders keep it up they could have a real great chance to win the cup!

  2. damn who could have predicted that Shane Prince would have an impact like this?

  3. Беня опять стал косячить в плей оф , вратарь абсолютно не предсказуемый .. Надеюсь Андрюху и на 2 -ю игру оставят в рамке , Вася давай – тащи !

  4. I wonder the reason Ottawa traded Prince. I am assuming because his personality didn't fit with the team, because his line is obviously generating a lot of chances for the Islanders.

  5. Good game. Everyone on this Islanders team contributes; that's what makes them dangerous. Even Capuano "got into the game"

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