@Colorado Avalanche

About Mikko’s extension: it is happening. Just a matter of when lol

by sweet_potato_guy


  1. WastedTalent34

    Huh? Don’t need to share anything until he actually signs something.
    Nobody needs to click on that link.

  2. Hanksta2

    From the link:

    *Jesse & JJ have very reliable sources that the Mikko extension will likely be finalized when he returns to Colorado.*

    Seems legit, these guys don’t usually throw stuff out there. I could be wrong.

  3. flashdurb

    If Jesse says it, it’s basically like one of us saying it. Until proven otherwise.

  4. new_nimmerzz

    Actually, it could NOT happen, or it could, but maybe, or maybe not…. Check back later

  5. SomeDudeinCO3

    Also a matter of how much. And how long. 

  6. no1kares

    Off season sucks. I’ve heard this same statement made all summer. I don’t think anyone doubts it from happening so not worried

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