@Dallas Stars

How to Butcher a Bear at Home (Next Level) Part 1

My purpose in butchering animals at home is for the end result being the most tender and tasty meat possible.

In this video I share the techniques I use in processing some of the less popular pieces of a bear, several of the pieces that get left in the woods. Bear can be very challenging to butcher because of the anatomy of black bear. Most people will butcher their bear exactly like butchering a pig or beef, which is completely inappropriate and will leave you with less than desirable result. Taking a little different approach and a little more time will have you more excited than ever for your spring bear hunt and to take every part of the bear home for processing.

Butchering a bear needs to be approached with not only the bears anatomy in mind but how you eat. If you don’t typically eat many roasts, why would you turn your bear into roasts instead of something like maple breakfast sausage that your kids will eat like candy. Butcher your bear in a way that the meat will get used and not left in the freezer until spring bear season the next year.

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