@Calgary Flames

Sherry, baby…

Can we make this our Sharangovich goal song this year? I mean, put aside that fact that you'll be sick of it almost immediately…. other than that, it'll be fun!

by theoren_1


  1. gfountyyc

    To be honest I like the Jaws theme. There’s blood in the water and Sharky is hunting

  2. AnxiousArtichoke7981

    Are you kidding me. It has to be Bobby Darin’s “Mack the Knife” classic upbeat happy song.
    On second thought.. Mackenzie Weegar needs this one.

  3. I just want Shot Down in Flames back. TNT makes no goddamn sense and the Remix they use is trash

  4. Asking for modern talking songs is usually followed by violence.

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