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Parise, Suter Sign with Wild

Former New Jersey Devils captain Zach Parise and longtime friend Ryan Suter have signed with the Minnesota Wild for 13 years, $98 million each. The two are in the prime of their careers at 27 years of age. Does this make Minnesota a contender?
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  1. lets go Minnesota? I will be looking for a them to sign some defensemen and a moderate goalie. They will be a contender in a couple years. If you want to see SOME close and good games. Watch Minnesota. They will run out of gas with anywhere from 5-8 minutes left.

  2. This does make them a contender Rick. For forwards they now have Parise, Koivu, Heatly, Setoguchi, Bouchard and Cullen. For D, they have Suter, Gilbert, Scandella and Spurgon. Don't forget about our young guys coming up. Most experts and analysts say that Mikael Granlund is the most talented player not in the NHL right now. There is also Charlie Coyle, Zack Phillips, Nick Palmieri, Jonas Brodin and Matt Dumba. Backstrom and Harding as a tandem in net as well.

  3. The Canucks have pretty much strolled into the #1 Northwest division spot with little difficulty the last few years. Now they get to fight for it.

  4. how can you say we have no deph….we were the best team in the nhl for like two months. Then injuries happened and we fell apart. Bouchard, Clutterbuck, Koivu, Setoguchi, Heatly, Parise, Suter, Cullen, ect. were buildin somethin special here

  5. Ya know it's funny he was making the same amount or close to the same amount of money In New jersey. I'm a devils fan and I can't wait till he goes back to nj after the wild don't make it past the first round. Go Devils

  6. The Wild will be a scary good team for years to come. It may take a season to come together, but once they start rolling it will be hard to slow them down. These signings are big, but dont forget about their prospects (a huge factor in Parise and Suter signing). Granlund, Phillips, Coyle, Zucker, Brodin, Dumba, Connelly, Lucia, Larsson, Haula just to name a few. The list of blue chip prospects in their mix is staggering. They will contend immediately and dominate the West within 2-3 years.

  7. Luongo is the most over-rated goaltender in the league. Schneider is better by far. He is a playoff choke artist and his contract is RIDICULOUS. His play is horrific at the xcel center and against the wild in general. I cant remember the last time he started a game in Minny. I am pretty sure that the his last couple starts in Minny ended early for him after giving up 5+ goal in less than 2 periods. Next to DiPietro, he is the worst long term goalie decision in the league. Sorry bud. Luongo sucks

  8. You judge a team by their name and their uniforms? That's funny because I judge a team by their skill level. Keep hating on our awesome uniforms though.

  9. everyone said that about Buffalo last year at this time…..names on paper mean sweet-fuck-all when the puck is dropped.

  10. No I don't judge them, I just have a subconscious reaction to it and it holds me back from fully respecting them. Same goes for most teams created in the last 20 years

  11. Lets see you are from Canada where every single team name is lame expect for the Ottawa Senators which has a pretty cool name. I mean lets look at the Canucks..Vancouver..Canucks..really? Montreal Canadiens..Really? Creative Calgary Flames..k? Toronto Maple Leafs..Creative? Pretty good chance you are a fan of a team with a lame name yourself.

  12. Minnesota has incredible forward depth now with the signing of not only Parise but Mitchell and Konopka. They have 7 prospects turning pro this year that will provide depth. It'll still be a year, two for some, until they are contributing full time, but the depth up front is now phenomenal. The defensive depth still leaves something to be desired at this point but again, they have a lot of prospects. Two of them are Jonas Brodin and Matt Dumba (bluechip D prospects) plus… (Cond)

  13. Scandella and Spurgeon are now veterans and Gilbert should thrive now that he's a fixture in Minnesota. Besides, they were 13th in goals against last year. Now add Suter and possibly Brodin to the rotation and your sittin pretty, especially with Harding resigned because the goaltending tandem is back from last year. Hopefully they can slowly give Harding the reigns this year and either trade Backstrom at the deadline for more defense or for prospects/picks or just let him walk after the year

  14. Actually, Backstrom and Harding have been very good an consistent. Our defense has been the problem. We are very young when it comes to the back end. Luongo is a horrible choice because he chokes when the pressure is on. The X factor for this team is going to be the young defense. Has a lot of potential, but not the experience as of right now.

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