@Detroit Red Wings

Detroit Red Wings National tv schedule (via: DetroitRedWings/X)

Detroit Red Wings National tv schedule (via: DetroitRedWings/X)

by yzerman8


  1. Redwings1023

    Woooo an extra 15 games of Ken Kal, and Paul Woods.

  2. topshko_niin

    For the states yes, hope they do one up for when cbc Sportsnet and tsn release their schedules too..

  3. Psyko_Mantis

    Yo Ho, the Pirate’s life for me! 🦜

  4. Busy-Drawing-2576

    What does not available locally mean for some of the TNT broadcasts? Does that mean they won’t be shown on TNT in the local Detroit markets? Or does it mean those are exclusive to TNT and the other ones that don’t have that notation also have local Detroit non-TNT broadcasts to watch as well?

  5. Salamangra

    It’s starting to feel real, boys and girls and assorted peoples. We are almost back.

  6. TheRealMC19

    I’ll trade em all back for Ken and Mick.

  7. Grumpy_Guy_

    Saturday Dec 14th should count. That’ll be a HNIC broadcast for sure.

    What? Canada’s a nation too!

    Maple Leafs @ Red Wings – Sat, Dec 14th

  8. Raymond or Sider aren’t on the graphic. DO I PANIC YET!?

  9. Wakattack00

    Wayyyyyyy to many games without Ken and Mick.

  10. non_target_eh

    Really looking forward to:

    “It CAROMS into a CAROM from a CAROM by a CAROM via CAROMING through the CAROM after it CAROMED.”

    By Bob Wischhoozen (or however the fuck you spell his name I don’t even care enough to look it up).

  11. mylogicistoomuchforu

    This fails to mention the 3 or 4 or 5 games that will suddenly end up on the NHL Network that like 17 people can actually tune in to.

    IIRC, there was some game that got weathered out last season and since they had the national crew already set for it, they ran the Wings game with them from a completely different city.

  12. bandofgypsies

    Did I miss something about NHL Network or are the wings just coincidentally not on NHL this year? Bc that’d be fucking great, BTW…

  13. Already prepped for whatever bullshit I’ll have to hear again suffering through an ESPN broadcast against the Rangers.

    Last time I believe they blamed our players for being boarded.

  14. greyclaygolf

    Of course Ken and Mick are legends and the broadcasts is totally better with them, but at least I can still see these games. The ones on the NHL Network are the worst (crazy they can’t seem to get added to Hulu)

  15. Due_Particular_2977

    So do Ken, Micky and the boys get the night off on the ESPN+ ABC broadcast games?

  16. Enough-Ad-3111

    Why is the March 12 game on TNT if it’s going to be blacked out in Detroit and Buffalo anyway?

    Same with the April 16 game against New Jersey.

  17. WaylonLemmyJohnny

    I’m kind of tired of getting screwed out of Ken and Mickey.

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