@New York Rangers

NHL’s Johnny Gaudreau Dies at Age 31; Brother Matthew Gaudreau Dies at 29

Not rangers related but a still a big hit to the hockey world. RIP

by kvnklly


  1. HealthyBackground5

    Its crazy how you never know when its gonna be your time… an ordinary bike ride turns into 2 untimely deaths… hard to make sense of

  2. Losing your brothers, the night before your wedding no less 😫 fucking awful man. RIP.

  3. DaGabbagool

    Horrific in every way. NJ native. RIP Johnny Hockey

  4. ColdYellowGatorade

    Absolutely heartbreaking situation. No words.

  5. Funny_Papers

    This is terrible. I have no words to describe how I feel.

  6. MarkCalamari

    WOAH I was hoping this was a troll report. Absolutely devastating news

  7. whitekimchee

    are there any details of what happened?

  8. Life is short. Make sure you do the things you need to do because tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

  9. Wesley__Willis

    Incredibly sad for hockey but absolutely crushing for the Gaudreau family. Losing two children on the eve of another’s wedding is unfathomable. I pray for them. This is just awful, awful news.

  10. WARofROSES_

    This is absolutely beyond sad. Us hockey fans mourn today 🙏🏼😔

  11. Rell_826

    Went to bed hoping it was a hoax. Wow. Genuinely lost for words right now. Drunk drivers should be burned at the stake.

  12. PensOverSwords2K

    Gone too soon. What a terrible accident. I hope the family as a good support system and people give them the privacy they deserve.

  13. NYRfan2015

    This is so sad and insane !!! The person that hit than will rot in hell !!! I can’t believe I’m seeing this ! I went to bed last night with what was only rumors of what may have happened!! So sad to wake up to the truth !!! 😢😢

  14. TheIncredibleHork

    Just a God awful situation. My heart goes out to the family and the team, they’ve had more than their share of losses over the years.

  15. Cute-Escape2751

    How horrible. Their poor family.

    I feel so bad for Kevin Hayes too, they were best friends.

  16. funkingrizzly

    I’ll never understand people that drive that drunk, torture should be on the table for you if you get a dwi, odds are this wasn’t this guy’s first time. Just awful.

  17. PeteyG89

    My fiancee watched him play at BC growing up. He was always a player we would talk about and root for. This is one of the worst stories ive woken up to. RIP. That poor family

  18. cha-cha_dancer

    Saw the rumors last night and hoped for the best but wow RIP Johnny Hockey

  19. Ok_Action_5938

    So awful. RIP Johnny Hockey. You brought excitement to the sport. He was the kind of player opposing fans actually enjoyed watching.

  20. Who_pooped_the_bed11

    Absolute tragedy. My heart goes out to their family. Hug your loved ones a little harder this weekend. This is so tragic

  21. DecidingCross3

    Absolutely heartbreaking news. Johnny just turned 31 like two weeks ago. His brother only 29. I feel so much for the family

  22. slinkocat

    Still can’t believe this is real. 31 years old with young children. It’s unfair.

  23. Outfield14

    That’s terrible. I love Johnny Hockey. I remember how much of a beast he was for the USA in the World Junior. RIP.

  24. brooklynbotz

    Fuck drunk drivers. Stupid, selfish assholes.

  25. MarsHotelSouth

    Life is such a bitch. Not that anyone would ever deserve this but 2 young kids under 2 years old, sister getting married the next day and not one, but two brothers pass… just tragic on every single level. Kevin Hayes has experienced enough loss for a lifetime. Prayers to the entire family and RIP Johnny Hockey I can’t believe this

  26. 8teamparlay

    This sucks. He was an icon to anyone growing up playing hockey in New Jersey.

  27. ElkPitiful6829

    Drunk driving should get jail time. Bullshit penalties in this country.

  28. YourAsianBuddy

    Hope that driver rots. How awful for that family and the team man…

  29. Key-Tip-7521

    31 years old. jesus. I’m gonna be 31 in two months. It just shows you that you should always live life to the fullest bc one day it’s gonna end. enjoy every moment in life and in sports (like this team) the ups and downs. Back in college a buddy of mine was preaching about Gaudreau when he was at BC. Shit. It sucks. One of my favorite non Ranger players(to never wear the Rangers sweater). Hockey lost a good one.

    RIP Johnny Hockey

  30. notyetacadaver73

    RIP. Maybe there should be blow to goes in all our cars. Since drinking and driving is a huge problem in this country. I’ve done it when I was younger.

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