@Toronto Maple Leafs


You will be forever missed by the hockey community 💔

by buzzeddimitri


  1. thoroughly_useful

    This is gutting. RIP Johnny Hockey.

  2. buzzeddimitri

    This breaks my heart so damn much. I’m a younger fan, getting back into the league towards the tail end of the leafs tank, before marner and matthews. Seeing Johnny hockey blow up into the league made me so happy, despite his size, and late draft pick, he tore it tf up and made a name for himself. He became an instant favourite of mine in the entire league.

    I will miss Johnny Hockey.

  3. goodvibesonlyGLG

    Just horrific stuff. Really, really hoped this wasn’t true as I read the rumours before bed last night.

  4. TicklerVikingPilot

    He AND his brother the day before being groomsmen for his sisters wedding. You couldnt write that in a movie.

    Truely devastating.

  5. There are things that happen in this world that feel like they shouldn’t be possible. Things that just rock you to your core and leave you reminded of the fragility of life. It makes it very hard to put faith in the universe that everything is going to be okay when things like this are possible. Anyway, this is an absolute nightmare scenario. If this happened to my brothers, im not sure how Id go on.

  6. 0h-Canada

    Such unbelievably sad news to wake up to. RIP.

  7. Steakholder__

    This is beyond awful. Rest in peace Johnny and Matt.

  8. moabthecrab

    Holy fuck. This is just out of fucking nowhere. Just fucking terrible man. RIP

  9. VanAgain

    Life has never been fair. RIP Johnny and Matthew.

  10. Sarge1387

    Car accidents and hockey players, man. Pelle Lindbergh, Dan Snyder, and now the Gaudreau’s.

    This is horrible news and I can’t even fathom what the family is going through right now. Especially his sister…condolences to the family

  11. DanielleCam

    Heartbreaking news. Rest in peace, Johnny.

  12. Life is so cruel sometimes…two brothers passing away the day before their sister’s wedding. What kinda bullshit chain of events is this man…fuck, this is a fucked up reality we’re all living rn.

  13. themapleleaf6ix

    Man, this one hurts. Still can’t believe it. Condolences to his friends and family and teammates. I really feel for Sean Monahan.

  14. Nylanderthals

    Fuck drunk drivers.

    > John Gaudreau, 31, and Matthew Gaudreau, 29, were riding their bikes north on County Route 551 in Oldmans Township on Thursday at 8:19 p.m. At the same time, Sean Higgins, 43, of Woodstown, New Jersey, was driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee north on County Route 551, according to investigators.

    > Higgins tried to pass two vehicles ahead of him and entered the southbound lanes, police said. An SUV in front of Higgins moved to the middle of the roadway, splitting the north and south lanes in order to safely pass the Gaudreau brothers as they rode their bikes on the right side of the road, according to investigators.

    > Higgins then tried to pass the SUV and struck the Gaudreau brothers, police said. Both brothers died from their injuries.

    > Investigators said Higgins was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested and charged with two counts of death by auto and is currently lodged in the Salem County Correctional Facility.

  15. LeoGreywolf

    Just barely 3 years after losing Matiss, another tragedy has landed on CBJ.

    Don’t drink and Drive, it’s really that simple. You might ruin not only your life but countless others. Absolutely Gutted for the Gaudreau family.

  16. devinejoh

    Run over by drunk driver while cycling…. I’ll attend the ghost ride in spirit.

    I have already attended 4 this year, tough every time.

  17. power_of_funk

    incredibly fucked up and sad

    columbus is cursed

  18. goleafsgo88

    Gotta feel for his family, especially with what was supposed to be a happy weekend. Also his teammates. Second time in three years that they’ve lost a teammate through a freak accident. Just so tragic.

  19. TheOnlyRealSlim

    Drunk driving is one of the most selfish, inconsiderate and asinine things a person could possibly do. My prayers are with his family, RIP Johnny Gaudreau.

  20. MarketingOwn3547

    I still can’t believe it. So gut wrenching, feel so sad for their family.


  21. _disasterdino_

    this is heartbreaking news knowing it was supposed to be their sister’s happiest day today, full extent of the law should be used for the drunk driver.

  22. waitareyou4real

    Fucking cars not giving cyclists enough space, AGAIN. They were on their bikes training. Unbelievable. So devastating

  23. Time4Timmy

    Im absolutely gutted over the details of this, I really feel for families.

  24. thismadhatter

    I am so fucking angry at this asshole that robbed them of such great lives. My heart aches for that poor family.

  25. RoaringPity

    Wow this is fucked up. Rest in peace and hope their family recovers. Fuck drunk drivers. 

    Can’t imagine a family being turned upside down like that in a literal flash.

  26. Actual_Cobbler_6334

    With the long weekend approaching, I think a reminder is in order, take an Uber instead of getting behind the wheel drunk.

    Such a tragedy, Gaudreau will never be forgotten.

  27. jimmymeeko

    RIP to them both. Horrific stuff and puts a lot of things in life in perspective.

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